23✿Drinking My Life Out✿

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Sebastian's POV

The hell with that fucking Drake. He took my sister away and now Lee. I can't believe he had the nerve to ask about Mira like that. He deserves more than just punches. I want him to just die and feed his pathetic dead body to a lion.

It doesn't matter anymore. I know where to go when something shitty like this happens.
I head to the bar I always go to every weekends and ordered a bucket of strong beer.

All of a sudden this hot chick stands in front of my table and asks me to dance with her. I happily nodded, we danced for a little bit, and sat back down.

She plays on my chest with her skinny fingers while she kisses me like there's no tomorrow.
When we finally broke apart to breathe, she stands up and tells me she'll be back. I smiled and nodded at her.
I grin at myself, this is definitely one way of forgetting this shitty day.

I must've jugged in 5 beers already and my phone starts to ring. I look at the caller ID and I'm not sure if I'm reading it right. Fuck I'm drunk I mutter to myself.

I answered the call and to my surprise it's Lee asking me if I'm okay and where I am.
She kinda pissed me off. Acting like she cares when she really doesn't. And why would she be calling me, for all I know she should be taking care of Drake, I mean they are dating when she confirmed it.

She's saying alot of bullshit on the other line and I can feel my fist starting to clench. I was about to tell her more when the girl who danced with me comes back calling my name, and telling me she's horny or so I think that's what I heard.

I don't even know why she knows my name but thats definitely not important right now. I smirked at her and wait for her to reach me, I ended the call without knowing.
Screw Lee and her life. I don't care anymore.

Are you sure? You know you're only saying that because you're angry right? and would you get a grip of yourself? you are just proving to Lee that you really are a manwhore.

Shut up! I tell my inner self. You of all things should be siding with me you prick!.
Right I think I'm going crazy for scolding myself.

I sigh quietly as me and the girl head out of the bar. I bring her to my car and she just giggles. I opened the door to the passengers side and she happily went in.

I head to the drivers area and I felt someone stand behind back. I turn around to look but suddenly everything went black, and I can hear the fainting scream of the chick I was supposed to have sex with.

What the hell is going on?
(everything went black)


I hear loud clunks of metal and 3 broad voices of men who sound like they're fighting over who should check on the house.

I'm confused.

I open my eyes and notice that I have been blind folded.
I tried to move but my hands and feet were tied down behind my back by the foot of the chair. I wanted to shout but my mouth seemed to have been duct taped.

"Oh look he's finally decided to wake up. Arky go check the house now! Me and Samuel will take care of this prick" I hear the guy say.
The other guy curses but I can hear his footsteps starting to dissapear.
What the fuck is going on.

A heavy punch suddenly hit my stomach and I begin to cough.
The guy removes my blindfold and I see 2 broad scary men smirking at me.
A tool bar suddenly hits the side of my head that it was so strong I bit my tongue, I could feel blood forming on the inside of my mouth.
I stare at them boldly and this other guy removes the tape from my mouth, I begin spitting the blood from my bitten tongue.

"You are friends with Alexander yes?" the taller guy with pure white hair asks.

Alexander? Who the hell is that? Or does he mean Xander. I stare at him blankly and he punches me on the jaw.

"You learn to answer boy! Or I will cut that tongue of yours so you can have a reason to stay quiet!" he yells in front of me, he's showering his saliva all over me.

I couldn't help but chuckle.
He archs his eyebrows and chuckles with me.

"Oh so you think this is funny?" he says bitterly.
"It is actually. I was just wondering if you could lend me an umbrella? You know to stop the shower of saliva coming from that discusting mouth of yours?" I spat jokingly and the other guy actually laughs and nods with me.

He kicks the other guy and shuts up.
I'm being a jerk right now I know, but I might as well enjoy it. I'll probably be dead by tomorrow anyway.

The 2 of them had been kicking and punching me non stop to the point I couldn't talk anymore. My eyesights are beginning to blur and my breathing sounding so heavy.

"Tell me where Alexander is right now and you live boy!" he exclaims.

I'm dead already anyway. I stare at him blankly, never said a word about Xander. The last thing I want is to bring him and Lee in danger.

"This is pointless boss! We should stop. I think he's already dead." The other guy says.
I keep my head down and I don't make a sound. I wanted them to finish me off but not just yet I guess.

"Get me Dimitri. Let's leave him here for now and you can go burry him tomorrow morning" the guy with showering saliva says.

They silently left till I could no longer hear the echoes of their footsteps. I sat down, stayed quiet, and stares at the ceiling. I try to free myself but I can't. My body is aching so much, I barely have the energy to move.
I guess this is it for me. It was fun.

A few minutes later I hear someone opening the steel door I'm locked into. They're back already? Shit.
I was waiting for them to come in when a girl appears out of nowhere.

"Shhh, I'm gonna help you escape" I give her a questioning look. She just smiles as she busy herself with untying the ropes on my hands and feet. Now that I look at her closely, she's pretty. Natural curly red hair, pale white skin, deep green sparkly eyes and a glint of pink on her cheeks.

Who is this girl.
She helps me get up and walks me to the exit. She gives me my car keys back and gets me in my car.
"Hurry go. Before they get back!" she gives me an assuring smile and I finally managed to say "thankyou" before starting my car and speeding off.


I head to the first person that appeared in my mind. I park my car by the street and notice there are police cars parked in front of their lawn. Oh God please let her be allright.

I stood on the front porch and tried not to faint before making sure Lee and Xander is ok. I knock on the door, no answer, I know someone's home, because I could see a shadow moving from the inside.

I knocked again, still no answer. I finally decide to ring the doorbell. I cursed silently wondering why no one would open the door. I don't think I can stand up anymore.
I stood in front of the door and begin to pound on the door.
"Cass!!! open the damn door!" I shout.


Iyep the upcoming 2-3 chapters will be about Sebastian's POV. 😊

I'm great aren't I?😓

I really would appreciate a feedback or a like or a comment or something?
I'm not sure whether I should even continue with this story or not. 😕

Read, Live, Love!☺


SHIT + LOVEDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora