Chapter Two

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I start to walk home and all I can think about is how Mr. Bourbon acted back at the school. I receive a text from my best friend, Willow. *heyyyy, wanna meet at the cafe? I'm super bored!* I send a quick reply *yeah be there in 5*

As I'm rounding the corner I see Mr. Bourbon meeting with a woman at the cafe I'm heading to. I stop and hide in the alley between two buildings, grabbing my camera. I snap a couple pictures. I wait as they get into his vehicle to continue to the cafe.

Willow is sitting at the first picnic table out front with folded arms and a scowl on her face.

As I'm sitting down I look at her "what? Why are you looking at me like that?"

She shuffles in her seat " You said be there in 5 it's been 8"

I roll my eyes "You do hear how ridiculous you're sounding right now, right?" We both laugh and catch up.

"So uh I actually asked you to meet me here because I have some news" Willow says, as her eyes trail to the ground.

Willow doesn't normally act like this so I can already tell it's not going to be good. "So? What is it?" I ask, shaking my head.

"Why do you sound mad already? I haven't even told you yet" she laughs nervously.

I start to raise my voice a little " Well you're freaking me out so spill it already!"

She puts her hands up in defense " Alright! Just please don't be upset."
I cock my head to the side staring at her, she takes a deep breath and says "I'm going to go to my dream college."

I sat there in silence for a moment, "obviously i'm not mad but it does suck, you're my best friend I don't know when the next time I'll be able to see you, I need my best friend!"

Willow shakes her head in agreement. "Well obviously I need you too! We can video chat every night and that's for certain."

I smile and hug her, I whisper in her ear "I'm so proud of you!" I release her but hold her at arms length to take in her presence.

"I better get going. I have to figure out this essay for my class." We give each other a tight embrace and go our separate ways. I'm not going straight home yet, I need a story!

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