Chapter Seventeen

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I wake to a cold and empty room. Clasping the sheet around my bare body, I crept to the door making my way down the hall. I admire the architecture, this mansion has to cost a fortune. How could a professor afford a mansion like this and an apartment on the side? I wander down to the main hall, finding Theo looking out over the city.

I walk over wrapping my arms around him, Theo grabs my arms rejecting my touch. "I'm sorry Aspen this was a mistake, get dressed I'll take you home"

Tears rush to my eyes but I blink them away. "I don't know why you keep bringing me back just to push me away again"

Theo chugs the rest of the liquor he was sipping on slamming the glass down causing it to break. "Aspen I am your professor, besides I can't love you the way you deserve you will never understand, now get ready god dammit!"

I rush back to the room grabbing my clothes, I don't ever want to see this man again. I head to the car, slamming the door. Theo gets in, feeling his stare. I refuse to look at him. "Look Aspen I-"

I quickly cut him off " save it! I don't have any interest in what you have to say professor" I cross my arms staring out the window.

I do have to say I like the view of the city off in the distance, but I am ready to go home and leave this nightmare behind me. It was about an hour ride back into town, hearing the words of rejection ring in my head and my emotions are everywhere. Parking in the complex, I take no time to get the hell away from him.

Winter break ended quicker than I wanted, I get ready to leave early so I could change my class. Maybe I can get into the same class with just a different teacher. I head to the office as soon as I arrive, I walk in and stand at the receptionist desk. She's too busy filing her nails and talking on the phone.

I clear my throat hoping to get her attention, she looks over to me with a disgusted look whispering in a shitty tone "what do you want?"

"I need to change my class" I copy her tone.

"Ugh, the window to change classes has closed, now go to class" I roll my eyes "bitch" I procrastinate going to his room.

Walking in late now with no excuse, I slip through the door but don't get far without getting called out. "Miss Heineken can you please explain why you are late?"

I turn around facing Theo "I was in the office changing my class" flashing my fakest smile.

I noticed Theo's demeanor change "Do you have a note?"

Lying through my teeth "Oh the dean said he will send you an email" I walk to my seat, watching as he becomes flustered.

Theo resumes class and I tend to block out his lecture, so I start job searching. After only ten minutes I found a job listing for our local daily news. They are looking for a writer, so I decided to put in for it. What is the worst they will say, no? I gather my things, waiting for the bell to ring. Everyone is already crowding the door, I snake my way through hoping not to get stuck after class like always. As soon as the bell rings everyone pushes and shoves their way through.

Out of all the chaos I can hear Mr. Bourbon "MISS HEINEKEN!!" I dart down the hallway away from everyone. I looked behind me to see if he saw where I went, I hit something hard causing me to hit the floor. I'm yanked up by my shirt as I come face to face with HIM.

Before anything can be said my phone starts to ring, answering it. "Hello?"

"Yes, is this Aspen Heineken?" I quickly rip away from Mr. Bourbons grip. "Yes, this is her" I start walking to the main lobby and begin my journey home.

"Hello, This is Mrs. Laura Banks from the Daily News and I was just looking over your resume and I would like to set up an interview. How does four pm sound?"

I jump for joy, I can't believe they got back to me so soon! "Yes, four is great!"

"Alright Miss, Heineken I will see you at four" the call instantly drops.

I decided to head straight there because I had no time to change. As I arrive at the office, I get a text from an unknown number. *We need to talk so when you get out of the daily news office i'll be waiting* I instantly knew it was Theo. That man works in mysterious ways.

The interview lasted about an hour long, and it went amazing. I got the job, I'll be working on little stories around town. This is a great way to get my name out there! I walk out to see Theo there as he promised.

I sigh, walking over to his car. I shift around in the seat and ask "what do you want?"

Theo makes his way back towards our apartment complex, "I want you to understand I wasn't trying to lead you on or use you in any way" as I listen to what he says it makes me a little emotional.

I look over to see Theo gripping the steering wheel hard, he bangs his fist against it causing me to jump. "God dammit Aspen, what are you doing to me?"

My anxiety keeps me from talking, I hate confrontation. We park in the complex, Theo looks at me emotionless. Reaching over he touches my face "There is so much I want to tell you but I just can't. I keep pushing you away because you don't need to be involved with a guy like me. I don't know what it is no matter how hard I try I cant keep myself from you" silence filled the car.

My heart is hurting all over again. I just don't understand the mind game he is playing. "Then don't" I look at him.

Theo sighs. "It's not that easy Aspen..."

I huff "Then please enlighten me? Take me on a real date, let me know who the real Theo is, forget about being a professor, we are adults."

Theo grabs my hand, kissing it. "Aspen, may I take you out Friday night?"

I giggle, achieving a very sexy smirk. "I will see you Friday, eight o'clock sharp"

I grab my book bag, "I'll be ready." Theo walks me to my apartment, kissing my cheek "Have a good night Aspen"

"You too Theo" I close the door heading straight to my room and I fall fast asleep.

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