Chapter Fifteen

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I decided to start my winter break early, there was no way I could go back to class so soon. Ryan texted me asking if I was okay, I assured him I was fine. Making up a story on how I would be visiting my best friend. I slump into my chair feeling like I just got broken up with, I let out a heavy sigh "fuck this I am going out tonight."

As I get ready I think about Willow, I decide to send her a text. *hey, I'm sorry about how I acted on Thanksgiving. I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight?* I start to get ready regardless of Willows answer. I finish my makeup when I hear a ding. Checking my phone to my surprise Willow texted back. *hey I was actually going to ask if you wanted to meet my girlfriend? I felt bad that I never told you what was going on. No need to apologize i was being a shitty friend. Do you forgive me?* tears prick my eyes I could never stay mad at her, she is my best friend after all. * of course I'd love to meet her! I understand, I forgive you. Meet me at Bud's in town. I'll be leaving in 10.* after our conversation I feel an unknown weight lift off my shoulders. Maybe that's why I've been so tense, I really missed her.

Arriving at the bar, I take a seat at one of the tall tables. Excited for Willow and her girlfriend to arrive, I just realized she never told me her name yet. I suppose that will be the point in meeting her tonight. I wait to order. I don't want to be rude, about twenty minutes have passed and I see a group of people walk in. Seemingly to be a colleague get- together or something, I turned my attention back to my phone ignoring the obnoxious group. Willow text shows up at the top of my screen, * sorry, I'll be there in 20 Emmy hasn't decided what to wear.* I let her know it's no problem.

I end up ordering a drink, while I wait. I order a captain and coke, as I head back to my seat I notice someone.

I scoff " Great just what I need" I tried to hurry back before Theo noticed I was also there.

But then I hear " hey I'll be right back." Feeling annoyed.

Theo approaches me, "Hey Aspen why haven't you been in my class?"

I roll my eyes facing towards him. " I took my winter break early if you must know, but if you'll excuse me I am meeting some friends"

Theo travels his hand up my thigh "Don't be like that baby" I shove his hand off me, just my luck Willow walks in. I run over hugging her " I've missed you, how have you been?" Theo gets the hint and retreats back to his group.

We sit down, ordering food and drinks. Willow introduces Emmy to me, " This is Emmy, her actual name is Emily"

I smile towards Emily reaching my hand out. "My name is Aspen"

Emily hesitantly shakes my hand and she leans back in her chair "so how long have you guys known each other"

Willow sighs "Really Emmy you're still on this?"

I scrunch my nose at her attitude. " Well, Willow and I have been best friends since we were kids."

Emmy rolls her eyes mumbling under her breath "That's what they all say"

I sit quietly feeling very awkward, the bartender brings our food out. I thank god because this tension is thick. We all sit silently as we eat, I didn't expect this is how it would go.

The bar has filled up, and a lot of people are playing pool. Multiple conversations were going on all at once. Willow and Emmy decided to leave but I stuck around and I start to feel shitty all over again. A tall tattooed man comes in with a few of his buddies, he is really hot! I ended up staring too long and he locked eyes with me, heat rose to my cheeks and I looked away.

He strides over to me, pretending to be looking at my phone. I glanced up smiling. " What brings a sweet little thing like you into a place like this?"

Feeling butterflies I giggle " well I just been having a rough time lately. I needed to relax"

He leans in close and whispers, " I think I can fix that" and we lock lips.

Before anyone can act a full on brawl begins, but as fast as it started it ended. So confused on what just happened, the man I was just making out with is being thrown out along with another person. I rush out trying to figure out what happened, they are back at it as soon as they touch the sidewalk. Realizing it was Theo all I could do was scream for them to stop. Not making any progress, Theo throws another punch connecting with the other dude's jaw. Stuck in a trance staring at the unconscious man, Theo grabs my arm. Before I can say anything the car door is being slammed in my face.

I sit, trying to regain sanity after everything that happned. First, Willow and Emmy, and now a guy I didn't even know and my teacher fighting over me?

I am snapped out of my thoughts as Theo starts yelling. "What the fuck were you thinking!? Are you ignorant?"

I sit quietly for a minute feeling hurt by his words. Without thinking I snap back "Why do you even care what I do professor?"

That seems to set him straight, as the ride is silent for what seems like forever. Anxiety begins to creep as I am realizing we are going the opposite from town. The lights begin to fade from the city, as we move further into the darkness of the night.

"Wh- where are you taking me?" I curse myself as I stutter. Theo looks at me with a devilish grin, swerving to the side of the road we stop abruptly. Backing myself away from him but the car door stopped me any further.

Theo reaches over to the glove compartment and looks at me, "do you trust me?" Our eyes connect.

I don't know if I do or not but I guess my silence was enough, he grabs handcuffs from the compartment tightening them around my wrists.

"What are you doing? I panic as my vision is in full darkness as a blindfold is placed on my eyes. Theo caresses my cheek "Don't worry Aspen, I'm not going to hurt you, unless you want me to?"

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