.get the party started.

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Saanjh had a hectic weekend, barely managing to catch a breath. She was deeply involved in charity work with the NGO she was associated with, organizing events, coordinating volunteers, and overseeing the distribution of resources to underprivileged communities. The work was fulfilling, yet exhausting, leaving her no time to meet her friends.

Monday arrived, and Saanjh was back in college. Antara had returned the day after the incident, but Akshara took a few days off. When Saanjh inquired about Akshara's well-being, Antara assured her she was coping. The family remained oblivious to the incident, thanks to Siddharth's discretion.

Saanjh hadn't spoken to Siddharth all week, assuming he was equally busy. Antara confirmed that Siddharth had gotten Kartik arrested.

Returning to class for her next lecture, Saanjh's eyes went wide as she entered the room. Kartik Ajmera was there, laughing with his friends as if nothing had happened. Shock washed over her.

How could that be possible?
She thought, maintaining her composure as she continued teaching.

Her mind, however, was a whirlwind of questions.

How did he get out?
How did the college authority allow this?
Does Siddharth even know?

As soon as the class ended, she rushed to the dean's office and asked to speak with her. The Dean invited Saanjh into his office, and she didn't waste any time.

"Good morning, Miss Mittal. How can I help you?" The Dean asked, her tone formal.

"Dean Madam, how is Kartik Ajmera back in college?" Saanjh's voice was edged with frustration. "I was under the impression he was arrested."

The dean sighed, gesturing for her to sit. "Miss Mittal, Kartik was released on bail. The board decided not to suspend him."

"Is it because he's the son of Keshav Ajmera?" Saanjh's voice was sharp.

The dean remained silent, her eyes dropping to her desk.

"This case could ruin the college's reputation," she finally said. "Especially with Singhania and Kasliwal family involved."

"Reputation?" Saanjh's voice was incredulous. "This is about justice, not reputation. Kartik tried to molest Akshara!"

The dean's expression remained neutral. "There is no proof, Saanjh. We can't simply suspend him based on Akshara's words."

Saanjh felt her blood boil. "So, because there's no camera in the old library area, Akshara's words mean nothing?"

"I'm sorry, but our hands are tied." the dean replied, her voice flat.

Saanjh stormed out of the dean's office, her mind in turmoil. She knew the Dean was technically right—without evidence, it was just Akshara's word against Kartik's. But the injustice of it all burned within her.

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