[11] We after a warrant now 🤨🤨

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"What are you talking about?" Soma asked as Ciel came in from behind you

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"What are you talking about?" Soma asked as Ciel came in from behind you.  "Our family. They were killed and our home was burned down, we were treated worse than you would treat any animal, we was helpless. Just a child, but I came back, to protect my brother and to make the people who did all that to us suffer the same humiliation and we will find them." Your brother declared.

"Our parents were killed for a reason. If I remain the family head and make myself a nuisance to the people who hurt them, they'll target me. That's what I'm waiting for. Someday they'll come to take my life, too." He said calmly as Soma looked at him wide eyed.

"But why? Why do it? What about your brother?"

"Because the alternative is grief and melancholy. If I stand still then I might as well be dead with them, but I'm alive and still standing. Moving on my own two feet. I'm going to die someday, and I'd rather do it without regrets." Ciel completely avoided the last question as he crossed his arms.

"I'm not going to pretend that I'm doing anything noble. This is no grand revenge. It's just a game. I'm waiting to see who wins."

"Enough of this." You interrupted, your stomach felt empty and light. You were scared. "We need to talk about West now you two, come." You demanded as you walked out the door.

As you were walking down the hall with Sebastian and Ciel behind you, Soma called out to Ciel. "I'm so embarrassed! I'm seventeen, but you're right. Compared to you two combined, I am still only a child. I'm nothing more than a spoiled brat." You three swiftly turned to Soma that was at the bottom of the staircase a few feet away from you.

"I knew there was something that had been bothering Agni, but I didn't bother to ask, did I? Now I want to know. I want to see them in person and ask why they left me. I'm begging you. Let me come!" Soma pleaded but Ciel rejected him.

"Don't think so. You're a naive idiot. I don't want to chaperone you. Of course, it's not like I'm going to go to the trouble of locking you in here." Ciel said as he turned away and placed his hand on the small of your back to guide you away before Soma suddenly jumped on Ciel.

"Thank you!"
"Get off!"

"I'm sorry I lost my temper earlier and destroyed your tea set. Please forgive me." Soma said as he clasped his hand and apologized to the two of you before turning to Sebastian. He jumped away and behind you two as he hurriedly apologized.

"Oh yeah, and you too. I'm very sorry." Soma said as he voice turned to a small whisper. "It's alright. I Found you entertaining." Sebastian accepted his apology as you sighed.


Sebastian poured fresh tea in a now blue tea set as you all sat around a table. "I didn't realize West was after a Royal Warrant. Though, given his obsession with his status, it does make sense." Ciel said as Sebastian served you your tea and you thanked him with a smile.

"I was wondering, what exactly is a royal warrant?" Soma asked and cowarded away when Sebastian set his tea in front of him. "It's an endorsement bestowed by the royal family upon their favorite vendors. Royal warrant holders are official purveyors to the crown." Lau explained.

"Yes, indeed, and in one week a curry exhibition will be held as part of the festivities at the crystal palace. I am told it should be quite the event." Sebastian said "Curry?" Soma asked

"What's more, from what I've heard, Her Majesty who is widely known to be a lover of curry will be in attendance that day." Sebastian said with an amused tone. "What do the curry exhibition and the recent crimes have to do with each other?" Soma asked

"The connection is the curry. It's specialty at West's coffee house. If he obtains a royal warrant for his curry, his sales are sure to increase dramatically." Ciel said as he intertwined his hand with yours.

"My guess is he was using Agni to target specific men. They were probably his rivals for the curry exhibition." You added.

"When he hanged the men, he included notes that were insulting to the English. That was done to make it seem as if the attacks were carried out by a bitter Indian. Likely, Mina was West's bait. She's probably the only reason Agni got involved. I'm guessing he did it all for you." Ciel said as a Sebastian handed him a paper to show to Soma

"You worship Kali, a goddess who is depicted with her tongue sticking out. Agni worships you as his god along with Kali. The connection seems obvious. He clearly signed those letters as a way of apologizing to you." You said as you pointed at the paper that was now in Somas hands. "He may have indeed left but everything he does is still for you. No one else. Agni lives only for you. He is a fine butler." Sebastian complemented.

"My, my, my, I do love a happy ending. It looks like everything's wrapped up. No need to get more involved. I'm sure the yard can handle the rest." Lau said as he clapped.

"Wait, no! There's Agni and Mina. What will happen to them?" Soma asked and stood up quickly. "We know the criminal underworld isn't involved in this, which means it has nothing to do with us." You said quickly with a smile as Soma gripped the paper in his hand tightly.

"You're right. This is my problem. I need to be strong and find a way to handle it on my own." Soma declared. "That's the right attitude, and it affords me the liberty to look after my own and Y/n's agenda." Your brother said as he stretched his arms.

"We were called to the city during winter for this idiotic case. I think we deserve to be compensated for the inconvenience, don't you?" Ciel asked.

"Thanks to West's nefarious activities the competition at the curry exhibition this year will be considerably slimmer than it normally would be. So perhaps the Phantomhive company should enter its own curry. We'd only have to beat West. Then the royal warrant would fall into our own hands." Ciel said and relaxed against your form on the seat you two shared.

"Y/n was suggesting expanding the company into the food industry anyway. Winning a royal warrant for our curry would generate some buzz. It would be an excellent way to get started." He reasoned.

"But you only have a week before the contest. Can you find an adequate curry chef and gather equipment in time?" Lau asked.

"I don't think that will be necessary." You said as you and your brother turned your heads to Sebastian with smiles. "Isn't that right Sebastian?" You asked him as he placed a hand on his chest.

"If I couldn't make a good curry for my masters, then what kind of a butler would I be? I shall secure the royal warra-"

"impossible. There's no way you can win. They have Agni cooking for them, and his hand was blessed by the goddess Kali." Soma interrupted "Yes, I'm willing to admit that Agni is a remarkable fighter, but this is a cooking competition. It's not combat." Ciel reassured.

"That is what I'm saying. None of you have even glimpsed Agni's true power yet. You don't know real curry. No!" Soma refused.

"What is this real curry?" You asked.  "The key to curry is a mixture of spices. The possibilities are infinite. Choosing the right one is a very difficult task. It is like trying to find one truth in a vast universe, but Agni can do it. He creates worlds out of nothingness. His power is on the same plane as the gods. That is why he is known as, the Godly Right Hand of Kali." Soma explained

"Never in my life have I tasted a bowl of curry that could even begin to compare to his." "How interesting. Agni's true power is creating the curry of Kali." Lau laughed.

"Well what do you think?" Ciel asked Sebastian who closed his eyes in thought. "Fascinating indeed. It sounds like a challenge." Sebastian said with a glint in his eyes.

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