CH. 32 💋

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Leaving Winter, I walk over to my mom and dad, along with my little brother who is eight. I'm not even sure why they him along, I never really grew up with him since I was always off doing clubs and sports before I was sent to boarding school.

I wish I had better relationships with my siblings at least, but we just had no time and they were all forced into their own groups, too. I was the only one who diverged from whatever my parents wanted from us all. Perfection.

They look like they are dressed for a funeral-- they might actually be the same outfits they wore to my grandpa's memorial,-- which is simple and plain, just like them. To be quite honest, I'm surprised they showed up at all.

"I didn't even think you would graduate." My mom says, right when I am in a talking distance from them. The first thing they have said in weeks, I'm not even shocked. I can't even be disappointed.

It seems they only focused on the few assignments that had some terrible grades and not the overall class grades that evened out really well.

Especially with swimming, I was doing great. I don't care what they think— they only get to see the email reports, not my life.

"Y'know what? My grades are amazing. I am hard working and a fantastic swimmer. I have tried hard and I don't care what you think about what I have and haven't done." I let out a sigh before continuing. "I don't need you. Not your money, not your kind words of encouragement," That earns be a scoff from my father, who only gets a glare returned back to him from myself.

"I have scholarships lined up for me, which I earned on my own. I have two best friends, one of which is the love of my life. You didn't know that either, because not everything about me is documented into my small record." My brother is hiding behind them both, not used to me or my temper.

"Your record shows more than enough." My mom sneers, hushing herself so she won't make a scene. "Like you punching an innocent girl. Unacceptable." It's as if she doesn't even want to be here, only here because she would be frowned upon if she doesn't show up and take pictures to show for her friends.

I laugh, that incident happening so many months ago that did it really even happen? Besides, I didn't even hit her that hard.

"Oh yeah, that innocent girl? She's my best friend now. My girlfriend, now." This time, I hold the power, dropping one of the few things that is too much for them. They step back as if I'm diseased and ill.

"Fuck, Louie. Stop playing these games. We get it, you are trying to mess with us. It's not working. Give up your little scheme." My dad cuts in, finally speaking up once I mentioned the love of my life is a woman. My girlfriend.

"No." I laugh, no longer finding this difficult to cut ties. Maybe I'll reconnect with my siblings one day, but I am in no position to help them here, not when I am so distant with them all. I need to work on myself now, there isn't a way I can help them.

"You are ruining your life. You are corrupt. You are corrupting the world being like this." More words that mean absolutely nothing to me.

"Okay. Well while you think I am ruining the world by kissing girls, you are ruining your children's lives. You might be creating successful children but you aren't raising happy ones. I was never happy. I wanted to die! You never even cared!" It was kind of out of pocket, but all true.

I wonder how all my other siblings are. I am the second oldest, then I have two other younger siblings. Some parents become less strict with each child as they are born, but somehow my parents have been able to stay consistently cruel.

"But it's okay. I'm actually really happy now. I am going to college without any of your money, I am in love with a woman who makes me love life, and all of this was my own work." Proud with my little monologue, I walk away without any more talking.

I don't wait for a reply, which most likely was not going to come. Winter and her mother are already looking at me, which makes me feel a bit embarrassed that they both had to see that.  I did good, but I hate having people know how shitty part of my life is.

Winter is looking incredible, as usual. Her eyelashes are long with only mascara and the red lipstick covers her plump lips. I can't wait to kiss her and find lipstick marks around my body later.

"You must be Louie!" Winter's mother says, already coming in for a hug. It surprises me, not used to physical affection in such a manner. Winter rarely talked about her mother but I notice she is extremely young, very similar features as her daughter.

Winter had told me her mother was a single mother and I assume no father was ever in the picture since she had never mentioned one. She never had a bad word about her mother, only upset that she wasn't able to spend spring break with her. Even then, she wasn't ever angry.

"Yeah. That's me." I suddenly become nervous, never having to meet a friend's parent, let alone a romantic interest's. She looks so calm and nice, there isn't any reason to be afraid.

I give Winter a look, unsure if she told her mother about us and our relationship. I don't want to be the one to out her. She nods, knowing what I am silently asking. Fuck, thank the gods.

"I am so glad to meet you and thank you so much for being here for my daughter when I wasn't. Gosh, you are beautiful, too!" She's a happy woman, it turns out, which I can't help but smile since her daughter is known as the ice queen.

"Yeah, yeah. It wasn't any problem. I-- I love her. She makes me happy and you raised an amazing daughter." I say and we all end up finding some drinks and talking, her mother telling many stories that Winter keeps trying to shut down, blushing at how embarrassed those silly moments were. She's so cute.

Watching her mother be here, Winter being genuinely happy to spend time with her mother and have her meet her girlfriend with no question-- only the love for her daughter-- puts my family in perspective.

I tell her about my plans for my future, social work, and she gives me some advice and phone numbers of some friends she has that could help me with figuring out how to work it out. It's so easy talking to her and she tells us both how proud she is of how great we did in swimming, not even caring about grades.

It's just all so peaceful and happy.

Her mother finds a few other parents to chat with for a few minutes, giving me and Winter some time to talk.

"How are you? Are you okay?" She asks me right when we are alone.

"Yes, yes. I told them off, I don't think I am part of their family, but it's okay. I'm okay." I assure her, holding her hand as we walk slowly around the field on which this whole event is located.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Louie. That's awful." It's not exactly pity, she knows it sucks but we both know it's what we all needed. No more of the my family.

"I love you so much, Winter." I say, no longer caring about the people who aren't in my family anymore.

"I love you." She smiles and presses her lips to mine, a quick yet personal moment that we share together, along with this big moment that is the start of our future.

"Please don't let me go." I say, feeling vulnerable when I say it, not sure why I even said it.


And then we find her mom once again, deciding to go to dinner together.

Fuck. My future has started and I get to spend it with Winter Montgomery. That night, lipstick marks cover my body and I'm the happiest girl in the world.

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