Chapter 19

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Bella's pov

Me and joão were in the car on our way to the ocean side where the boats are docked.

"Baby, I'm obsessed with you in that pink bikini with those straps.." he rubbed my thigh and I smiled.

"Good... I like this bikini too. The one thing I don't like is that you adjusted the straps too tight my boobs peak out over the bathing suit." I told him and he shrugged with a guilty look.

"Sorry.. nobody ever taught me how to adjust straps. You can't blame me."

We got to where all the boats were parked and he put the beach bag on his shoulder.

He held my hand as I stepped out of the car and stepped foot on the concrete with my light pink Hermes flats on.

I wrapped my left arm around his right arm as he walked to the 'clubhouse' where we talk to the man before we get on the boat.

We stepped inside and the owner walked up to us and joão pulled his arm away for a second to bro hug the man at the front desk who came up to us.

"João.. been a hot minute bro. What brings you in?" He asked. I could see he had his English words a bit messed up.

"Well this is my girlfriend Bella, and we came in the tent boat... 23 for 4 hours." João told the man.

I read the name tag 'Juan' and I smiled at the man nicely when joão introduced me.

"Okay.. let me go take a look." He nodded at joão before going behind the front desk to his computer.

He typed in a few things and looked back up at joão as we stud behind the desk waiting patiently.

"So, 4 hours on boat 23 for 4 hours is gonna be $540. Do you wanna pay cash or card?" He asked joão and joao pulled out his wallet.

"Card." He replied before handing the card to Juan to swipe.

It went through and joão put it back and threw it in the beach bag.

"Come with me." Juan told us. He lea us outside as we passed the other boats.

We stopped at a decent size boat. It was 1 story. It had more then enough room for me and joão.

João got on the boat and lifted me on the boat after him.

I sat at the front and put our bag and towels down on the Coshins in the front of the boat.

"So here's your drivers seat. You have your boaters license... you know the drill. Put the anchor in before swimming. And no longe r then 4 hours. You got it." Juan said and joão nodded along.

"Got it." He gave Juan a thumbs up. Starting up the boat.

Juan jumped off the boat and undid the rope the boat was on.

João raised the speed a bit as I got settled at the front of the boat on my towel.

Once we we're getting in a more clear area without any boats by us joão spoke up.

"You wanna swim?" He slowed the boat down and I turned towards him.

He now had his white and black designer sunglasses on and I nodded and shrugged.

He stopped the boat fully and went to the back for the anchor.

"I'll go swimming with you." He told me before taking his shirt off revealing his abs.

I got up and took my sun hat off and fixed my hair at the top a bit, earning a small laugh from joãos mouth.

"Shut up." I hushed him rolling my eyes a bit sarcastically.

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