3 ~ Strange Feelings

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When we broke eye contact I saw everyone looking at us. My face went red and it was so awkward. I quickly released her shoulder but ofcourse it was too late.

They all looked a bit confused, especially Thorin. But there was something else in his eyes... anger. He was angry because I was conforming an elf.

Now I realised how stupid it was to hate each other. We are both living creatures. I got a bit angry but I calmed down immediately. I saw Elrond looking at me. He smiled and nodded grateful to me. When I nodded back Thorin moved angrily on his seat. Gandalf gave him an glare and Thorin calmed down a bit though he was still angry.

"We should have dinner now. It's already late. Follow me." Elrond's words sounded through the room. I saw all the dwarfs releasing a sigh in relief. I did the same. I was hungry. Really hungry.

When we left the room Brezaya was walking behind me. "Are you going to eat with us?" I asked her. I shouldn't be talking to her. Thorin is going to hate me if he doesn't already. "No." she said shaking her head. I felt disappointment going through my body.

"I'm not eating. I'm going hunting now." she answered me before she turned around and started to walk away.

Then she stopped and turned back at me again. "Thank you." she whispered to me as she turned around again and started to really walk away. I looked at her back until she was out of sight.

When I turned around I saw the hobbit Bilbo and Thorin looking at me. I walked quickly past them. I followed Elrond and the others to our meal.

We followed Elrond to the outside where a huge table stood loaded with food. But this was different food than before. There was no meat, only things like salads.

"I don't like green food." Ori said. "Where is the meat?!" Dwalin said really loud. (Authors note: I loved this scene in the movie and I think Ori is adorable. What do you think?) Some elfs looked at Dwalin with an annoyed and disgusted look on their faces.

Gandalf was shaking his head. He really didn't like our manners and I was surprised that I didn't like it either. My thoughts were still at Brezaya. I simply couldn't get her out of my head. Her eyes... Wow


As soon as our eye contact was broken I saw everyone looking at us. Kili released my shoulder quickly and to my surprise I felt disappointed. I liked the way how his arm fitted around me. God I shouldn't be thinking like that!

I saw Thorin looking at me with an angry look on his face. I wasn't really surprised but I was scared to be honest. I quickly looked away so I didn't have to see his hate burning through my soul.

"We should have dinner now. It's already late. Follow me." father told us. I didn't want to eat. I was not hungry. I was just going to hunt. I loved to hunt even though I don't really killing many animals. I loved animals. But I was alone when I was hunting and I was in the woods. It's my favourite place.

"Are you going to eat with us?" I heard Kili's beautiful voice saying. We were just out of the room. I shook my head.

"No, I'm not eating. I'm going hunting now." I turned around and started to walk away. Then I thought of his arm around me, comforting me. I turned back in his direction.

"Thank you." I whispered. I turned around again and I walked away. I could feel his eyes burning on my back.

I quickly went to my room to change. I put off my dress. It was beautiful, it was white and long and it accentuated my curves but I liked pants more, they were more comfortable.

So I changed in a white blouse, a light blue corset (almost white), grey pants and brown leather boots. Then I went outside.

I walked into the stables to my beautiful horse Munja. She was so bright white, it almost hurt when you were looking at her. I loved her so much. We were always together when we were hunting or going somewhere else.

I got Munja saddled and left the stables into the woods, although my thoughts were still at Kili.


OMG I can't believe this! I totally flipped when I saw I got 21 reads. I know it's not much but I expected nothing, or maybe one, so this is amazing! I can't believe that people from other countries take their time to read MY fanfic! It's amazing, thank you so much! I love you!

xx love

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