10 ~ The Journey Begins

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"c'mon hurry!" i heard someone saying at me. i turned around to see my brother looking at me.

"brezaya isn't ready! i am!" i said thinking about her, with a smile on my lips. fili walked to me with a cheeky grin on his face.

"you already liked her from the start, didn't you?" i nodded, blushing a bit.

"i knew it, but the others didn't believe me at first. later some of them did, but still the most didn't believe me but i was right!" he screamed, dancing around like a little kid.

"very mature." i said laughing and i hit his arm.

i thought about yesterday, our last full day here. brezaya and i had spend a lot of time together, getting to know each other better. we had also spend a lot of time with all of us, with the rest of the company talking about the journey. it even turned out that everyone loves brezaya, even thorin starts to like brezaya.

i saw more dwarfs coming in, almost everyone was here right now. we have to leave in a few minutes, when everyone is ready.

suddenly we heard someone running. "i'm ready! sorry you had to wait, but a certain person hid my armour." brezaya said, staring at bofur like she was about to kill him.

"oi! i didn't do that!" he said with an innocent look on his face. "i saw you running away with it." brezaya said, rising her eyebrows. bofur smiled sheepishly and slowly walked away.

"idiot." brezaya said, walking to us. we laughed and i pulled her in a hug. "oh no. no kissing here. ori is watching." fili said, placing his hand over ori's eyes.

now it was the time for brezaya to hit his arm. "why does everyone hit me?" fili said, pouting. "probably because you are dumb." i said, grinning at his dumb face.

"is everyone ready?" thorin said, coming in. we all nodded. "let's get our horses ready then."

we went to the stables and readied the pony's. we didn't have our own anymore, so we got them from elrond. we have to send them back when we get to the mountains, because the pony's can't walk there.

brezaya was ready at first and she handed her horse over to an elf to hug her father. he kisses her forehead.

they talked to each other, i guess they said 'be careful' and 'i hope i'll see you soon' and things like that. they hugged one last time and she got on her horse.

elrond walked to me. "please take care of her, keep her safe." he said to me. i nodded. "ofcourse i do." i said, looking at her. "i love her. i really do." now i looked in the eyes of elrond, to show i really meant it.he nodded grateful and walked to thorin.

brezaya came next to me when i got on the pony. her horse was almost twice the size of my pony, so i had to look up to her.

she was so beautiful. her hair was in a long braid and she wore a silver and white armour which made her look like the shining sun.

"are you ready?" i asked. she nodded after looking around at the beautiful place. "i am going to miss it here. and my father... i feel guilty, just after mirtaja passed away, i'm going to leave him..." she spoke quietly.

"no, don't think like that. you'll come back and he agreed with it. you love each other, that's obvious. he sees that too. don't feel guilty." i said and i took her hand and squeezed it.

she smiled bright to me, showing her little dimples but you could barely see them. it made her look adorable.

"are you ready? then we're going!" thorin shouted to us and after a farewell we rode away.

the journey continues.


i was looking for my armour, it wasn't on the place where it usually was. where did i place it down? i was sure i did it in my room.

suddenly i saw bofur looking sneaky around the corner, but he didn't see me.

he walked around the corner into a room and he had my armour! why did he take it? i saw him coming out of the room again with a huge grin on his face.

so he wants me to look for it! idiot. i smiled, getting in the room and taking my armour.

back in my room i changed into my armour and put my long hair in a braid.

then i got to the room were we decided to wait when you were ready.

i thought about yesterday, the last full day here. we were together, talking about the journey. and kili and i had spend a lot of time together, getting to know each other better. and i guess thorin doesn't really hates me anymore.

i ran into the room. "i'm ready! sorry you had to wait, but a certain person hid my clothes." when i said that, i gave bofur a stare.

"oi! i didn't do that!" he said, looking very innocent.  

"i saw you running away with them." i said, rising my eyebrows. bofur smiled sheepishly and slowly walked away. he is such an idiot. he is the funny one of the group, definitely.

"idiot." i said, walking to fili and kili. they were laughing and kili hugged me. "oh no. no kissing here. ori is watching." fili said, placing his hand over ori's eyes.

i hit his arm. "why does everyone hit me?" fili said, pouting. it looks like more people hit him. good. "probably because you are dumb." kili said, grinning.

thorin came in. "is everyone ready?" he said. we all nodded. "let's get our horses ready then."

we walked to the stables and i made munja ready. the dwarves lost their own, so they borrowed some pony's of us. we have to sent our horses back when we get into the mountains, they know the way back.

i was the first one ready. i gave munja to an elf next to me and i hugged father. he gave me a kiss on my forehead. i was going to miss him so bad.

"be careful. i love you. try to protect them too, but your own life is the most important thing. understand that please." he said looking at me. i nodded. "i'm going to miss you father." i said quietly. "i'm going to miss you too." we hugged each other and then i got on my horse.

i saw father walking to kili. he talked with him for a while and then he walked to thorin.

i led munja to kili. he was just getting in his saddle. because my horse was so much larger, i had to look down at him.

in his armour and with his weapons on his back, he looked so amazing. his long hair looked a bit wild, but that actually fit him good.

"are you ready?" he asked me. i looked around at this beautiful place. then i nodded. "i am going to miss it here. and my father... i feel guilty, just after mirtaja passed away, i'm going to leave him..." i said slowly and quiet.

"no, don't think like that. you'll come back and he agreed with it. you love each other, that's obvious. he sees that too. don't feel guilty." kili said. he took my hand and squeezed it.

i smiled grateful to him, showing him that it meant a lot.

"are you ready? then we're going!" thorin shouted to us. i said farewell to father and then we rode away.

the journey begins.


hello lovely readers! you are amazing while i am too slow with uploading... so sorry. i hate it. i will really try to upload quicker! and thank you for your amazing comments! especially Layra11! thank you! love you all! and don't forget to vote and comment if you liked it so i know you liked it! (:

xx love

p.s i had some problems with uploading, i had done it but it didn't work. i hope it does now!

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