Chapter 36: Goodbye For Now

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We walked down the streets of The Ark, together.

Marian had interlocked her hand with mine, a safe way of keeping her from running off on her own.


Let me tell you, it has been a wild month.

So much progress at such a quick pace, almost unbelievable.

Marian has been really good ever since she came back to us. I am not going to try and mask it, I cried for multiple minutes holding her close to me.

Even though she didn't understand what was happening, I did. And that alone was the point in which I felt... Good.

I had been faced with so many problems, that when I embraced her wholly for the first time in months, I broke down crying.

The hug was different, it didn't feel like the original Marian at first, but then I felt the warmth, and that's what made me come to my senses.

This warmth... Marian... She's in there somewhere...

She remembers me... She calls me 'Commander' every single day...

''Come on! Say my name!'' Anis stood in front of Marian.

''Gwaa haa...'' The girl simply laughed.

''A-N-I-S!'' Anis spelled out. ''Anis! Come on now, say it!''

''Aaaananis... Ananas!'' Marian giggled. ''Ananas! Ananas! Ehehehe!''

''...'' Anis sighed, backing away from the girl. ''I'm done, I've been trying this for the past hour and she still doesn't get it.''

Suddenly, out of the doorstep, Neon peered her head inside. ''Well, it could be that you are trying to start off too hard.''

''Pssh, yeah. A four-lettered name is way too hard.'' Anis spoke with clear sarcasm. ''How about you try it since you're being such a smartie?''

''Eh, sure!'' Neon walked into the room and went in front of Marian, who quickly shifted her attention to her.

''Nachan!'' The girl giggled. ''Uwaaah!''

''Heh, this'll be a piece of cake.'' Neon cracks her knuckles. ''Just watch this.''


.  .  .

''F-I-R-E-P-O-W-E-R!'' Neon spelled out confidently. ''Say it with me now! Firepower!''

''F... F... Faier... Firepower!'' Marian stutters, but gets it right. ''Firepower!''

''What the heck-'' Anis is cut off.

''Correct!'' Neon cheers, arms high. ''See this, dunderhead? This is how you educate people!''

''Firepower! Firepower! Firepower!'' Marian continues to chant, like a maniac. ''F-I-R-E-P-O-W-E-R!''

''Yes! Firepower!'' Neon joins in. ''Firepower is the best thing in this world, and don't you ever forget that!''

Marian giggles, pointing at Neon. ''Firepower! Fire! Power! Fire! Power!''

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