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{Kanan Takami}

Me and Keigo were sleeping in bed since I was lying on his chest. I heard Keigo coughing a little as I slowly started to wake up. Then he was coughing really loudly as I woke up and put my hand onto his forehead.

"You're burning up. Are you feeling sick?" I said as I sat up on the bed to see how much he was burning up. "Yeah, I kinda am sick a little" Keigo said. "A little...more like a lot" I said as I got out of bed to get a wet cloth from the bathroom. I came out of the bathroom to put the wet cloth onto his forehead. "Thanks songbird. Could you get me a glass of water?" he said in-between coughs. "Yeah, I can lovebird" I said as I left the room to get him a glass of water.

When I came back into the bedroom, I put the glass of water on the bedside table that was next  to him. "Here's your glass of water" I said as I helped him sit up a little. "Thanks songbird" Keigo said as he drank a little bit of water. "I leave you to get some sleep. If you need anything, let me know" I said. "Ok songbird" he said as I left the room so that I can make some breakfast for me, my dad and Rose.

{Rose Takami}

After I got woken up by gramps, I got changed and went downstairs to sit at the table. "Morning mommy. Is daddy ok, it's not like him to sleep in?" I said as gramps came into the kitchen and sat down at the table. "Morning little chick. The reason that he's not down here is that he's really sick so we must not disturb him ok" mommy said. "Ok mommy" I said. 

"Hope he feels better" gramps said as mommy got a notification on her phone. "Who messaged you mommy?" I asked. "It's Skylar. She is going to spend the day with you since it was alright with Kenzie and Hunter" mommy said. "Yeah! I can't wait to spend the day with Skylar" I said as I was getting excited since my wings were flapping really fast. 

After a while, the doorbell rang. I saw mommy going to open the door so that Skylar can come in. "Hi Skylar. Are you here to get Rose?" I heard mommy say. "Yeah, I am. I can't wait to spend the day with her since you're looking after uncle Keigo aunt Kanan" Skylar said. "I'll go get her" I heard mommy say as she came to get me. "Are you ready little chick?" mommy asked. "Yeah, I am mommy" I said as the two of us went to Skylar.  "Hi Skylar" I said. "Hi Rose. Ready to go?" Skylar said. "Yeah" I said.

"If there are any reporters around, what would you do?" mommy asked. "I would stay really close to Skylar" I said. "If they're getting really close and irritate us, the two of us would come straight back here" Skylar said. "That's good you two. I'll see you two later, ok" mommy said as she gave me and Skylar a hug. "Ok mommy" I said as the two of us waved at her and left the house as I was holding Skylar's hand.

When me and Skylar left the house, the two of us were walking down the street. "What are the two of us are going to be doing Skylar?" I asked. "How about we can play on the park before we get uncle Keigo some chicken noodle soup" Skylar said. "Ok, we can do that" I said as the two of us were getting closer to the park. Once we got to the park, the two of us were playing on the slide before we got on the swings.


After the two of us played on the park, we were heading to a café to get some chicken noddle soup for my dad. While the two of us were walking home, me and Skylar noticed mommy coming up to us after she got something from the store. "Hi mommy" I said as I waved at her. "Hi aunt Kanan" Skylar said. "Hi little chick, are you?" mommy said. "I'm good aunt Kanan" Skylar said. "I'm fine mommy. The two of us got daddy some chicken noodle soup" I said. "Thanks for getting it you two. Let's go home" mommy said. "Yeah, let's go home" me and Skylar said. The three of us were heading home.

Once the three of us got home, we went into the kitchen to sort out the chicken noodle soup and some honey and lemon for daddy. "Is it ok if I help your dad out with the leaves aunt Kanan?" Skylar asked. "Sure you can Skylar" mommy said. Skylar went outside to help gramps out with the backyard as me and mommy went upstairs to give daddy his soup and his drink.

When the two of us got upstairs and went up to mommy and daddy's room, we went in to see daddy blowing his nose with a tissue before putting it into the bin. I saw mommy put the soup and the drink next to him as she sat me down on the bed next to him. "How are you feeling daddy?" I asked. "I'm feeling a little bit fine little chick" daddy said as he was coughing a little bit more.

"Rose and Skylar got you some soup and I got you your drink" mommy said as she gave him the soup and his drink. "Thanks little chick, songbird" daddy said as he sat forwards a little before having some soup and his drink. "Can I help gramps and Skylar out with the leaves mommy?" I asked. "Sure you can little chick. Do you know where Skylar is?" mommy said. "Yeah, I do" I said as mommy helped me down from the bed and left the room so that I can help gramps and Skylar out.

Once I got out to the backyard, I noticed Skylar and gramps sitting on a chair as the two of them were picking up the leaves from the ground and into a trash bag. Then I went over to the two of them. "Can I help?" I asked. "Sure you can birdie" gramps said. "Here, you can sit next to me" Skylar said. I went over to sit next to Skylar and then I helped her put the leaves into the trash bag.


After I helped Skylar and gramps with the leaves, it was now time for Skylar to head back to Blue Bay Harbor. "I had a great time with you Skylar" I said. "I had a great time with you too Rose" Skylar said. The two of us hugged when a car pulled up. "Its time for me to go, I'll see you soon right?" Skylar said. "Course you will" I said. "Stay safe Skylar" mommy said. "Will do aunt Kanan and keep me updated about uncle Keigo" Skylar said. "Yeah, I will" mommy said as Skylar went into the car. She waved to the two of us as we waved back. Then Skylar went into the car and it drove off.

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