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A/N: This is the song that Kanan and Keigo are going to dance to after their anniversary diner

{Keigo Takami}

The two of us were lying in bed as I was laying on my back as Kanan was lying on my chest. I slowly moved my hand to caress her face a little when I slowly started to wake up. I laughed a little as I lightly kissed her forehead. The two of us were going to lay here since we were going to spend some alone time together since Brian would be taking the little chick to Amber Beach.

{Rose Takami}

Me and gramps sat at the table downstairs as the two of us were eating our breakfast. "Where's mommy and daddy gramps?" I asked. "They are probably sleeping in so the two of us aren't going to disturb them ok" gramps said. "Ok. What are we going to be doing today gramps?" I said. "How about the two of us spend the day in Amber Beach" he said. "Yeah! I can't wait to meet mommy and daddy's friends again!" I said as I was flapping my wings a little in excitement.

After the two of us finished our breakfast and cleared the table...we left the house, went towards the car so that we can get in and the two of us left the driveway to head towards Amber Beach.

{Keigo Takami}

After I woke up...I slowly got out of bed while trying not to disturb my beautiful songbird from waking up, I stretched while ruffling my feathers really quietly, silently walking out of the room and closing the door behind me. I went downstairs into the kitchen to make her breakfast in bed. I got everything that I needed and started to make her breakfast.

After I've done her breakfast, I went back upstairs into our room with the tray. When I went up to her side of the bed, Kanan slowly started to wake up to see me. "Morning lovebird, what's all this and happy anniversary lovebird" Kanan said as she rubbing her eyes. "Morning songbird, I wanted to make you breakfast and happy anniversary songbird" I said as I sat down on the bed and put the tray with her breakfast in front of her.

After Kanan ate her breakfast, I gave her my present for her. "Here is my present for you my beautiful songbird" I said. She opened the present and it was a bracelet and it has one of my feathers on it. "It's beautiful, thanks lovebird" Kanan said as she gave me a hug and pecked my cheek. "Here's my present for you my handsome lovebird" Kanan said as she has got her present and gave it to me. It was a photobook of all of our special moments in, like the day we first met as kids, our wedding day and our latest addition to our family. "I really love it...thanks songbird" I said as I pecked her cheek as I gave her a hug as well.

{Rose Takami}

After the two of us arrived at Amber Beach, gramps parked the car outside the building that we were here last time. Once the two of us got out of the car, we saw someone was about to go into the building. "Do you want some help with that Ellie?" gramps asked when she looked at the two of us. "Yeah, that would be great, thanks" Ellie said. Then gramps helped her out as I was carrying a box. The three of us entered the building.

Once the three of us went inside and went into the Dino Bite Café, we noticed five more people nearby. "Who are they Ellie?" I asked. "They are the rest of my family. Do you two want to meet them?" Ellie said. "Yeah" the two of us said. The three of us went up to the five of them. "Hey gramps, grammy, Fuyumi, Natsuo and Shoto" Ellie greeted. 

"Hey Ellie" Shoto said. "Hey" Natsuo said. "Hi Ellie" Fuyumi and Rei said. "Hey Ellie. Who are these two?" Endeavor said, gesturing to the two of us. "This is Air Wave's dad, Brian Matthews and this is her and Hawks daughter, Rose" Ellie said. The two of us waved at them. The three of us sat with them as all of us were talking.


{Keigo Takami}

Later on in the day, the two of us were getting ready for our anniversary dinner. Just as we were about to leave, Kanan is getting a phone call. Kanan answered the call and it was her dad and Rose to let us know on how their day has been. "Hi mommy, hi daddy!" Rose said on the other end of the phone. "Hey Kanan, Keigo" Brian said. "Hey little chick, are you two doing?" I said. "Are you behaving over there little chick?" Kanan asked. "I'm fine and yeah, I'm behaving" Rose said. "I'm really good. The two of us are going to be staying at the hotel for the night so the two of us will see you tomorrow" Brian said. "Sounds good, see you tomorrow" I said. "See you soon" Kanan said as she disconnected the call.

When we left the house, the two of us were heading to a fancy restaurant for our anniversary dinner. After a while, the two of us got there and went inside since we got a reservation. The two of us had a private room since I don't want to hit other people with my wings as the two of us sat down before the waiter took our order.

After the two of us had our dinner, our favorite song came on from when we dance to it from our wedding. I stood up and walked round to where Kanan was and helped her get up from her seat as we slowly started to dance. "I really love you songbird" I said when I looked into her eyes. "I really love you too lovebird" Kanan said as she looked into my eyes.

When the song has finished, the two of us left the restaurant after paying for the food. The two of us got into the car as we drove away to go home. Once we got home, the two of us went upstairs, got changed and we went into bed to get some sleep.

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