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{Rose Takami}

I just woke up after a really long day yesterday, I was holding the plush version of my dad as I was rubbing my eyes to get rid of the tiredness. I got out of bed to walk towards the room that mommy and daddy were in. Once I got in the room, I got onto the bed they were sleeping in and laid on top of the two of them.

Mommy and daddy slowly started to wake up as they saw me laying on top of them. "Morning little chick" daddy said as he sat up a little. "Morning little chick. Are you ready for Skylar's birthday party?" mommy said as she sat up a little too. "Yeah, I'm ready since the three of us got her a present" I said as I was getting excited.

When the three of us got changed, we were having some breakfast before all of us need to get ready for Skylar's birthday party. After a while, the three of us got ready to head out towards the park. "I can't wait to play with Skylar!" I said as I was ahead of mommy and daddy a little. "What would you do before you play with her little chick?" daddy questioned as the three of us were getting closer to the park. "I would say happy birthday to her and give her the present that the three of us got her" I said. "That's good little chick" mommy said as all of us got to the park.

When the three of us got closer to aunt Kenzie, uncle Hunter and Skylar, we waved at the three of them to let them know we're here. "Hi Skylar and happy birthday" I said as I handed her the present. "Hey Rose, aunt Kanan, uncle Keigo and thanks for the gift" Skylar said as she put the present down to give the three of us a party hat and some drinks. Skylar is bringing me to play with her as I was meeting her friends.

I noticed mommy heading somewhere when me and Skyler went up to daddy to see what's going on. "Where's aunt Kanan going uncle Keigo?" Skylar asked. "She forgot to get something so she will be back soon" daddy said. "Don't worry, whatever she's forgot to get, she will see you before the three of us leave" I said, reassuring her. "Yeah, you're right" she said as the two of us went to enjoy the party some more.


After a while, me and Skylar noticed mommy coming back with a box. Me and Skylar went over to mommy, daddy, aunt Kenzie and uncle Hunter. "What's in the box aunt Kanan?" Skylar asked her. "Why don't you open it and find out" mommy said. Skylar opened the box to see the ice cream cake that she wanted. "It's the ice cream cake, thanks so much aunt Kanan" Skylar said as she gave her a hug.

The others got a piece of the ice cream cake and sat down round the table that was nearby. "Are you enjoying the party little chick?" daddy asked. "Yeah, I am. Thanks for inviting us Skylar" I said. "Anytime Rose" Skylar said. "If you visit Summer Cove, look us up. You two can come as well" mommy said. "I will come and visit" Skylar said as she took a bite of the cake. "Same here" aunt Kenzie said as uncle Hunter agreed.

After the eventful day, the three of us are heading back to the hotel. "It's good seeing you three again" mommy said. "Yeah, it's good to see you three as well" Skylar said. "Yeah, thanks for the invite" daddy said. "Anytime. If you have time tomorrow, would you swing by the shop" aunt Skylar said. "Yeah, we will visit" I said. All of us said our goodbyes and went our separate ways.

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