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{Rose Takami}

When I woke up, I got changed into my school uniform after I was stretching and ruffled my feathers. Then I went downstairs towards the dining area since daddy was making our breakfast as I sat next to Ren. "Morning Ren" I said. "Morning Rose" Ren said as daddy was bringing our breakfast with his feathers since he was bringing his own.

"Morning daddy" I said as I was giving daddy a quick hug. "Morning little chick" daddy said as he gave me a quick hug too. After the three of us finished our breakfast, we were getting ready to leave the house. The three of us got into the car and then we were heading to school. Once the three of us got to the school, I started to get out of the car. "Have a good day little chick" daddy said with a small smile. "I will daddy" I said as I closed the door to head towards my friends as the car left to head to the agency.

Me and Joey were walking into the classroom to hang our coats and bags up before the two of us sat down in our seats. Then Mr Crewes came into the classroom. "Good morning class" Mr Crewes said as he stood at the front of the room. "Good morning Mr Crewes" all of us said as we were looking at him. "Before I start today's lesson, all of you should know that family day is coming up soon" he said as I stuck my hand up "What's your question Rose?" he asked. "When is it?" I asked. "It's coming up on Friday. Now onto today's lesson..." Mr Crewes said. 


After I put my coat on, I grabbed my bag and left the classroom. When I got outside the school, I saw Ellie waiting. "Hi Ellie, what are you doing here? I'm happy to see you by the way" I said when I went up to her. "Hey birdie, I'm happy to see you too and uncle Hawks asked me to get you since he's really busy with paperwork" Ellie said. "Yay, I get to walk with you" I said as the two of us were heading to the agency. 

When the two of us were walking down the street, I noticed a new ice cream parlor nearby. "Can I get some ice cream please?" I asked when I pointed at the ice cream parlor. "You sure can birdie" Ellie said as the two of us walked in. "What can I get for you?" the person asked. "Can I have a mint chip cone please, what do you want birdie?" Ellie said. "Can I have a chocolate one in a tub please" I said. "Do you want me to get Ren one too?" Ellie asked. "Yeah, can he have the same one I'm having" I said. "One mint chip on a cone and two chocolate in a tub coming right up" the person said as he sorted our ice cream and then Ellie paid for it. The two of us left and continued to head towards the agency.

Once the two of us got to the agency, we went into the lift and went up to the floor that daddy was on and then we went into his office. "Hi Ren, hi daddy" I said as Ellie handed Ren his ice cream. "Hiya Rose and thank you for the ice cream Ellie" Ren said and then I sat down next to him. "Hey little chick and thanks for getting Rose little birdie" daddy said. "It's ok uncle Hawks" Ellie said.

Then Ellie is helping daddy with sorting out the paperwork. "Well, I better go so I'll see you soon" Ellie said as she stood up. "Yeah, thanks for your help with sorting the paperwork out and see you soon" daddy said. "Anytime and see you soon birdies" Ellie said as she was heading for the door. "Bye Ellie" the two of us said as she left the room. "How was school little chick?" daddy asked. "It was fine. Oh yeah, there's going to be a family day at school on Friday so I was hoping you and Ren will be there" I said. "Yeah, the two of us will be there" daddy said as I was getting really excited. "Will mommy come to family day?" I asked. "She might but if she can't, we send her some pictures ok" he said. "Ok daddy" I said.


After the three of us got back home, we were having some dinner and watching TV when daddy's iPad got a notification as daddy picked his iPad from the table and saw it was a facetime request from mommy, which he accepted as mommy appeared on the screen. "Hi mommy!" me and Ren said as the two of us were waving at her. "Hi little chicks" mommy said. "How's the mission going songbird?" daddy asked. "It's going really great so far" she said. 

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