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{Rose Takami}

As the three of us were getting ready to go out...daddy got a message from mommy that she and aunt Kenzie were coming to give daddy and her a surprise. After a while...we were sitting in the car waiting for the two of them. A little while later...aunt Kenzie saw the three us when we got out of the car. "Hey bro, Rose and Ren" aunt Kenzie said as mommy came up to us. "Hi aunt Kenzie" me and Ren said as we were waving to her. "Hi sis" daddy said.

"How's school little chicks?" mommy asked. "It's fine mommy...isn't it Ren" I said when I looked at Ren. "It's really great mommy" Ren said. "What's this surprise songbird?" daddy asked. "We need to get into the car cause it's gonna be a drive" mommy said as all of us got back into the car to head somewhere.

After a while...we parked up on the street round the corner form their surprise as all of us got out of the car. When daddy and aunt Kenzie put their blindfolds, Ren and mommy were helping them by going round the corner and stood in front of a house. "Who do you two want to see again?" mommy asked daddy and aunt Kenzie. "Our parents...why are you asking this Kanan?" aunt Kenzie said. "Yeah" daddy said. "Take your blindfold off and find out" mommy said as they took their blindfolds off.

When daddy and aunt Kenzie took their blindfolds off...the two of them looked at the house in front of them. "Is this..." aunt Kenzie started to say. "Our old house" daddy said. "It is...surprise" mommy said. "This is great...thanks Kanan" aunt Kenzie said. "Yeah...thanks songbird" daddy said. "Anytime and once we're inside...don't forget to take your shoes and coat off ok little chicks" mommy said to the two of us. "We will mommy" the two of us said as all of us started to head towards the house. Once all of us were inside the, Ren, daddy and aunt Kenzie were sitting on the couch in the living room as mommy was heading to the kitchen.


Once all of us had our lunch...all of us were outside when me and Ren were playing on the grass as the seating are on the patio as they were talking about some stuff. As me and Ren were playing...we managed to get lost in the forest as the two of us were trying to find a way out.  "I'm scared Rose" Ren said as he held my hand. "I know...we will find a way out ok" I said as he nodded his head. After a little while...we were still lost as Ren was crying a little. "Don't worry Ren...I'll get mommy or daddy to help" I said as Ren nodded his head and I used my communicator to try and contact mommy. 

{Kanan Takami}

Once me and the others were talking communicator went off on my wrist as I answered it. "Rose...what's going on" I said. "Me and Ren accidentally went into the forest and now we're lost mommy...please help" Rose said as she was getting really scared as I looked at Keigo and silently told me to find them. "Don't worry...I'm coming" I said as I went into the forest to find them.

{Rose Takami}

As me and Ren were waiting for mommy...the two of us saw a villain coming up to us and slowly started to move back a little. As the two of us were about to get attacked...Ellie appeared and blasted the villain back as he ran off before Ellie came up to the two of us and crouched down to our level. "Are you two ok birdies?" Ellie asked when she was checking us out. "Yeah...we're fine Ellie...thank you" I said as Ren nodded his head a little as the two of us hugged her.

"Let's get you back to your mom ok" Ellie said as the two of us nodded our heads and went with her to find mommy. After a while...we saw mommy nearby when Ellie called out. "Hey Air Wave!" she said when Ellie has gotten mommy's attention and came up to us and then the two of us hugged her.

"Are you two ok little chicks?" mommy asked. "We're fine mommy" Ren said. "If it wasn't for Ellie...we might gotten ourselves hurt" I said when mommy looked at her. "Thank you for saving them Ellie" mommy said. "Your welcome and luckily I was in the forest when the villain almost attacked them" Ellie said as mommy nodded her head. "Can Ellie come with us please mommy?" I asked when Ren nodded his head. "I don't want to intrude" Ellie said. "We insist Ellie" mommy said. "Ok...lead the way" Ellie said.


Later on in the day...all of us were getting ready for bed since Ellie is gonna leave to head back to UA. "I'll see you soon birdies and don't get into trouble ok" Ellie said as she looked at the two of us. "We won't and see you soon Ellie" the two of said. "It's good to see you again Kenzie" Ellie said as she looked at aunt Kenzie. "It's good to see you again too" aunt Kenzie said. "See you soon!" Ellie said as she was running towards the train station as all of us were waving at her before heading back into the house.

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