{Rose Takami}
After the three of us spent the day at Skylar's birthday party yesterday, all of us are having some breakfast. "Can we please go to aunt Kenzie's store today?" I asked. "Do you to visit her today little chick" daddy said. "I really want to see what's her store's like" I said. "The three of us are going there today" mommy said. "Yeah!" I said as I was flapping my wings in excitement. When the three of us finished our breakfast, we got ourselves ready to head towards aunt Kenzie's store.
When the three of us got outside the store, we stood outside the building. "Is the building really her store?" I asked as I looked up at mommy and daddy. "Yeah, it's my sister's store alright" daddy said. "Shall we go inside?" mommy asked. "Yeah, let's head inside" I said as the three of us went inside the store.
Once the three of us went inside, I was looking round the store in amazement. "Woah...all of this looks really cool!" I said as I went up to a shelf with some plushes on it. "Don't touch anything unless you really want it ok little chick" daddy said. "Ok daddy" I said as he came up to me to look round when mommy went to look for aunt Kenzie.
When me and daddy got what we needed, the two of us were looking to find mommy and aunt Kenzie. Then someone told the two of us that the two of them are in her office. After we were outside her office, I knocked on her door. "Come in" I heard someone say on the other side of the door. The two of us walked into the office to find mommy, aunt Kenzie and Skylar talking to each other.
"Hi Keigo, Rose" aunt Kenzie said. "Hi uncle Keigo and Rose" Skylar said as she waved a little after she completed her homework. "Hi aunt Kenzie, Skylar" I said. "Hey Kenzie, Skylar" daddy said. "Did you get something little chick" mommy said. "Yeah, I did" I said as I sat on the sofa next to Skylar as daddy sat on the seat next to mommy. Then all of us continued to talk some more.
After a while, all of us decided to get some lunch. When mommy was about to say something, her phone started to ring. She answered the phone as mommy took the conversation elsewhere as the rest of us continued to talk. Once mommy came back, she sat back down. "Who was that on the phone aunt Kanan?" Skylar asked. "It was my dad" mommy said. "What did he say to you songbird?" daddy asked. "He said that one of the teachers wanted Rose to go on this school trip so we need to talk about that later little chick" she said when mommy looked at me. "Ok mommy" I said.
When all of us had our lunch...me, mommy and daddy were heading towards the beach as aunt Kenzie and Skylar went back to the store after all of us said our goodbyes. After the three of us got to the beach, I went ahead of mommy and daddy a little. "Stay where we can see you, ok little chick" daddy said. "Ok daddy" I said. I saw the two of them sat down on some chairs nearby as I started to play on the sand.
When the three of us enjoyed our time on the beach, we were back at the hotel. "What's this trip that my dad mentioned?" mommy asked. "Before the three of us came here, I was with gramps when the two of us left his classroom as another teacher asked him if I wanted to go on this trip and he said that he will let one of you two know. So, can I go on this trip please?" Rose said.
I saw mommy and daddy share a look before silently agreeing as the two of them nodded their heads in approval. "You can go as long as Brain goes with you" daddy said. "Yeah! Thank you mommy, daddy" I said as I hugged the two of them. "Your welcome and it's time for you to go bed since we had a long day" daddy said. "Ok daddy. Night mommy" I said. "Night little chick" mommy said. Then I went into the room to get to sleep before daddy went into his room with her.

FanficNINJA STEEL/SUPER NINJA STEEL: This will follow the adventures of Kanan and Keigo's first born daughter, Rose as she navigates her life with help from her parents, her gramps and her friends while learning how to use her wings as she will meet your...