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{Rose Takami}

After a couple of months of attending Fukuoka Private Elementary School, it was almost time for Christmas break. That means I get a couple of weeks to spend with my little brother, mommy and daddy. "Alright kids, can I have your attention please" my teacher, Mr Crewes, said as he got our attention. "Since you've worked so hard, the school has decided to give all of us a Christmas party" he said as all of us were getting really excited.

I stook my hand up. "What can I do for you Rose?" Mr Crewes asked when he pointed at me. "I was wondering if our families can come to this party and anyone who went to this school?" I said as he was thinking for a moment. "Yeah, they can come" he said. All of us started to plan on what we need to bring for this Christmas party.


After I left the classroom, I was walking down the corridor to meet mommy where the entrance is at the front of the school. When I got there, I saw mommy talking to the nice lady. "Hi mommy" I said. "Hey little chick, ready to go home?" mommy said. "Yeah" I said as the two of us left the school and headed to the car. After the two of us got into the car, we started to drive home.

"What did you do in school today?" mommy asked. "Not much and there's a Christmas party coming up on Friday and I get to invite you three. So if you have time, can you please come?" I said as I looked at mommy. "Of course we can little chick since the two of us got the day off that day" mommy said. 

"When the two of us get home, is it alright if I make an invite for Ellie?" I said. "Yeah, you can little chick" she said. When the two of us got home, we got out of the car and went inside the house when daddy and Ren came up to the two of us. "Hi Rose" Ren said as he was giving me a hug. "Hi Ren, hi daddy" I said as I was giving Ren a hug. "Hey little chick, why don't you head upstairs to get changed" daddy said. "Ok daddy" I said as I was heading upstairs to get changed when mommy was telling daddy what they will be doing on Friday.

After the four of us had our dinner, all of us were in the living room as I was making an invite for Ellie when mommy, daddy and Ren were watching TV. "What are you doing there little chick?" daddy asked. "I'm making an invite for Ellie to come to the Christmas party" I said as I turned my head a little to look at him. Ren got off the sofa to sit next to me on the floor. "Is it ok if I help you Rose?" Ren asked. "Yeah, you can Ren" I said as I handed him a colored pen. After a while, it was done. "What do you think?" I asked when I showed them the invite that I did with a little bit of help from Ren.

"It looks really good" mommy said. "It's great little chick. Can you put everything away cause it's almost time for bed" daddy said. "Ok daddy" the two of us said as we packed everything away before the four of us were heading upstairs. "Can you not read me a story tonight cause I'm really tired mommy" Ren said. "Ok Ren, I see you in a little bit Keigo" mommy said as she picked Ren up and taking him into his room. "Ok songbird, it looks like I'm reading you a story" daddy said as I grabbed his hand as the two of us were heading into my room.


After I woke up, I got out out of bed, stretched while ruffling my feathers and got changed into my school uniform before I went into the bathroom. After I finished in the bathroom, Ren was waiting for me so that the two of us can head downstairs. The two of us sat down at the table after we went downstairs. 

"Morning my two little chicks" daddy said when he poked his head through the door since he was making breakfast. "Morning daddy" the two of us said before daddy continued with making breakfast. Me and Ren noticed mommy came in and sat down at the table. "Morning mommy" the two of us said as we were giving mommy a hug. "Morning little chicks" mommy said as she gave us a hug.

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