{Rose Takami}
After I enjoyed the field trip a couple days ago, I slowly started to wake up. When I got out of bed, I went into the bathroom to wash my face and brushing my teeth. After I done that, I went back into my room so that I can get changed. After that, I left my room and saw gramps coming out of his room. "Morning gramps" I said. "Morning birdie" gramps said. The two of us are heading downstairs.
The two of us sat down at the table when we saw mommy and daddy in their hero outfits as mommy was doing breakfast and daddy sat down at the table. "Morning daddy" I said as I gave him a hug. "Morning little chick" daddy said as he gave me a hug back. "Here's your breakfast lovebird, dad" mommy said. "Thanks songbird" daddy said. "Thanks Kanan" gramps said when mommy put my breakfast down on the table before she sat down. "Thank you mommy" I said.
"Why are you two got your hero outfits on?" I asked when I saw the two of them wearing their hero outfits. "Apparently it's Pro Hero Week at school" daddy said. "Yeah, it's true...it's Pro Hero Week birdie" gramps said. "That's why we're wearing these little chick" mommy said. "Ok. Is uncle Touya, uncle Hizashi, Ellie and Shoto will be there?" I said. "They probably will" mommy said. When all of us finished our breakfast, I helped gramps with clearing the table when mommy and daddy were finishing sorting some stuff out before putting their jackets on. The four of us got into the car so that all of us are going to be heading towards the school.
Once all of us got to the school, we got out of the car to see that Hayley and Calvin coming up to us. "Hey guys" daddy said. "Hey. I like your hero outfits Kanan, Keigo" Calvin said. "Yeah, I'm excited since all of us get to see on what you two and the others will bring this week" Hayley said. "We can't wait to show you" mommy said. "Yeah, I'm getting really excited about this" I said when gramps, Hayley and Calvin laughed a little. "Let's head inside" gramps said. "Yeah" I said. All of us are heading inside.
After the five of us went inside, all of us met up with the others. "Hey guys" mommy said as she got their attention. "Hey. Are you excited Rose?" Brody said. "Yeah, I am getting excited" I said to the others. Levi saw something on the balcony. "Hey, there are pictures of different Pro Heroes up there" Levi said.
All of us looked at where he was pointing at. "Look Rose...there's me and mommy up there" daddy said as he saw the picture of him and mommy next to each other up there. "I look alright up there, don't I?" mommy said. "You look great mommy, daddy" I said as I looked at the two of them. "Thanks little chick" she said.
Suddenly, Principal Hastings went up to the microphone as she was tapping on it to get all of our attention. "Can I have you attention. As you know...this week is called Pro Hero week. You might see Pro Heroes in the school that you might recognize. But please be aware that they might not see everyone of you this week so give them time to see you. With that being said, make sure you be professional around them" Principal Hastings said before she left.
After she left, all of us were talking the others go to their lessons. "Can you look after Rose since we're doing this dad" mommy said. "Yeah, course I will" gramps said as mommy passed me to him. "Are you going to behave little chick" daddy said. "Yeah, I'll behave" I said. "Oh, if you're having lunch in your classroom, her lunch is in your bag dad" mommy said. "I'll make sure she gets it" gramps said. The others are heading to their lessons when gramps is taking me to his classroom.
{Keigo Takami}
The two of us are going to be meeting the other Pro Heroes in a room after Kanan gave the little chick to her dad. Once we got into the room, the two of us saw other heroes and the President of the Hero Commission in there. "Sorry that we're late" I said. "I have to give our daughter to my dad before we got here" Kanan said. "That's alright. Let's get the meeting started then" the president said. The two of us sat down at our assigned seats.
"It's good to see you two again" Endeavor whispered to the two of us as we smiled a little. "As you all know, it's Pro Hero Week here at this school. Principal Hastings has graciously given us permission to have it here" the president said. "That's why Hawks and Air Wave are here in this school" Edgeshot said. "Yeah, that's correct since those two are doing an undercover mission. How's it going for you two? Any villains yet?" she said. "It's going great so far" I said. "There are no villain sightings here" Kanan added. The president continued the meeting.
After the meeting, all of us left the room and went downstairs when me and Kanan went to get a drink. Suddenly Touya, Hizashi, Ellie and Shoto went up to the two of us when I noticed them coming up to us. "Hey you guys, it's been a while" I said when the two of us turned around to face them after we got our drinks.
"Hey uncle Hawks, Air Wave...it certainly has" Ellie said. "The last time we saw you was last month" Shoto said. "Yeah, the last time me and Hizashi saw you was in Amber Beach" Touya said. "Yeah...for Rose's birthday" Kanan said. "How is she?" Hizashi asked. "She's fine, she's with Kanan's dad at the moment" I said when all of us continued to talk.
Then Endeavor came up to the six of us. "Hey dad" Shoto said. "Hey Shoto. How are you Ellie and Touya?" Endeavor said. "I'm fine dad" Touya said. "I'm doing really well gramps. Hey Shoto, how bout we go check out the rest of the school?" Ellie said. "Yeah, ok. See you later guys" Shoto said. The two of them left so that the five of us can talk.
The five of us were heading to Brian's classroom to see how he is doing. When we got there, all of us went into the classroom. Some of the students were looking at us in amazement. After the lesson was over, it was now lunch time. All of the Pro Heroes, including the five of us, were having our lunch in the same room that we were in for the meeting. All of us were talking as we were eating our lunch.
{Rose Takami}
After the lesson was over, mommy and daddy left the room to have some lunch with the other Pro Heroes. "I'm really glad that I saw mommy and daddy here" I said. "Yeah, just remember that they got to visit other classrooms too" gramps said. "Yeah, I know" I said when I was eating a chicken sandwich. "I wonder what Kanan and Keigo are having for their lunch?" gramps questioned. "I don't know but mommy and daddy would probably have something with chicken in it" I said as the two of us continued to eat our lunch.
After the two of us had out lunch, we were heading to the base. Once we got there, gramps sat me down at the table and then he gave me my coloring book before talking to Mick about something. The computer blared. "Madame Odius sent a monster in the downtown area" Mick said. "I'm heading there now. Alert the other Rangers but not Kanan" gramps said as he left. "Got it" Mick said as he told the other Rangers to meet gramps at the location.
Once gramps and the others came back into the base, gramps picked me up as he was giving me a hug as all of us were talking. "I wonder why Kanan didn't show up?" Brody asked. "The reason that she didn't show up is that she was in another meeting" gramps said. "Oh...that's why the other Pro Heroes doesn't know that she's a Ranger" Preston said. "Of course. She didn't want to expose our secret" Sarah said. "I wonder what time we can talk to her?" Hayley asked. "Probably later" Calvin said.
{Keigo Takami}
After the meeting was over, all of us were heading out of the school. "How about we wait for the others outside" Kanan said. "Ok, let's wait for the others outside songbird" I said as the two of us were holding hands when we were walking out the school. The two of us saw the others coming out of the school. "Hi mommy! Hi daddy!" Rose called out as she ran up to us to give the two of us a hug. "Did you behave little chick?" I asked. "Yeah, I did daddy" Rose said. "How about a barbeque at our house" Brian said. "Let's do it" Brody said. Then all of us were going to our house.

FanficNINJA STEEL/SUPER NINJA STEEL: This will follow the adventures of Kanan and Keigo's first born daughter, Rose as she navigates her life with help from her parents, her gramps and her friends while learning how to use her wings as she will meet your...