{Rose Takami}
After a while on the plane, the three of us finally arrived in Fukuoka, Kyushu. The three of us were walking through the airport after we got our luggage. Once the three of us left the airport, we got into the nearest taxi to get to our house. "Are you ready for a new life here little chick?" mommy asked since she was in front of me and daddy. "Yeah and I can't wait to see everything here and start a new school" I said.
Once the taxi stopped outside our house, the three of us got out of the taxi after mommy paid the driver and got our stuff. Once the three of us got up to the house, daddy opened the door as we went into the house so that me and mommy look round the house to see where everything is.
"The backyard is huge" I said as I was getting really excited. "Yeah...now you have more space to practice your flying" mommy said. "You can even start tomorrow but right now we need to unpack and get settle into our house" daddy said. "Ok daddy" I said. The three of us went up to our rooms to unpack.
After the three of us unpacked all our stuff, we were watching some TV as all of us were eating some dinner. "Once you two put me into bed, can you read me a story?" I asked. "Sure we can little chick" daddy said. "Yeah. How about we facetime gramps before we do that?" I said. "Yeah" mommy said. "Ok then" daddy said when mommy got her iPad off the table in front of us and started to facetime gramps.
Then gramps appeared on the screen. "Hi gramps" I said as I was waving a little. "Hey birdie, why the long reply?" gramps said. "Sorry about that dad, the three of us were unpacking and I completely forgot" mommy said. "It's alright" gramps said. "How's the Romero's doing there?" daddy asked. "Those three are settling in just fine" he said.
All of us were talking before mommy and daddy took me into my room. I got changed, brushed my teeth and then I went into bed before the two of them started to read me a book. While the two of them were reading the book, I slowly started to drift off to sleep. After a while, I fell asleep as daddy laid me down onto my bed when mommy put my night light on as the two of them left my room.
Just before I go to school in a couple weeks, the three of us were packing some stuff before we need to go to the hospital so that I can meet my little brother. Before mommy were about to join us, she had a facetime request from Dane. Then she got into the car.
"What did Dane ask you songbird?" daddy asked. "Oh, he wanted to ask me if he wanted my blessing to marry my dad and I said yes for him to marry my dad" mommy said. "Yeah, I can't wait for their wedding" I said as I was getting excited. "That's good to hear little chick" daddy said. The three of us were heading towards the hospital.
Once the three of us got into the hospital, daddy told the really nice lady behind the desk about mommy. When the three of us got near mommy's room, daddy crouched down to my level. "Do you mind if you stay out here while I help the doctor get mommy situated in her room" daddy said when he looked at me. "Of course I can daddy" I said as the two of them went into the room and I started to play with a some toys.
After a couple of hours, I saw daddy come out of the room as he came up to me. "Hey little chick, would you like to see mommy?" daddy said. "Yeah" I said as I followed him into the room. Once the two of us got into the room, mommy saw us when the two of us went over to her. "Hey little chick, how are you feeling while you're waiting outside?" mommy said. "I'm fine mommy and I can't wait to see my little brother" I said. "Would to like to feel him kick?" mommy asked. "Yeah" I said as I place my hand on mommy's stomach and I can feel him kicking.
The three of us saw the doctor come into the room again. "Do you mind waiting outside again little chick" daddy said. "Of course I can daddy" I said as I left the room. Suddenly, I fell asleep on the sofa after I played with some more toys. After a while, I woke up by daddy shaking me a little as I rubbed the tiredness from my eyes. "Hey little chick, we got a surprise for you" daddy said when I sat up. "Is he here? Can I see him?" I said. "Yeah, he's here and yeah, you can see him" daddy said as he picked me up to take me into mommy's room.
When the two of us got into mommy's room, we saw mommy sitting up a little before the doctor gives her my little brother. Once the doctor passed her my brother, the two of us went over to her so that we can see my little brother. "Hey little chick, the two of us would like you to meet your little brother, Ren" mommy said. "Hi Ren, I'm going to help mommy and daddy to look after you and protect you" I said. "Welcome to the world Ren Takami" daddy said.

FanficNINJA STEEL/SUPER NINJA STEEL: This will follow the adventures of Kanan and Keigo's first born daughter, Rose as she navigates her life with help from her parents, her gramps and her friends while learning how to use her wings as she will meet your...