Part 21: Confession

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"Nakamori-san, please... have a seat first."

"When did you arrive?" Aoko asked, and Hattori Heiji replied, "Two hours ago, I came with Kudo kun. Your father arrived twenty minutes ago. Don't overthink it for now."

What shocked her even more was seeing Kudo Shinichi flipping through stacks of documents on the table in the interrogation room. Although Aoko wasn't familiar with all Kid's cases, she knew from Inspector Nakamori that the real Kaito Kid possessed key evidence and testimonies related to the crime syndicate. To prove Kuroba Kaito was Kaito Kid or his accomplice, they needed evidence directly linking him to the case.

Inspector Nakamori swiped his ID card to enter, revealing a row of guards in the isolation room, while federal agents and police officers gathered at the door discussing.

One of the guards opened the door, and Aoko curiously looked up, discovering a large interrogation room behind the iron door. The aroma of coffee wafted in as many high-ranking officials entered. Hattori lightly padded Aoko's shoulder, and they silently moved to the far corner.

"I can't believe my dad is here too, I mean......he didn't even mention it to me and mom." Hattori said.

"Your father... the Senior Superintendent of the Osaka Prefectural Police... why...?" Aoko asked.

Hattori shrugged. "Kid has stolen a lot of things in Osaka too. Besides, high-ranking officials' meetings these days revolve around this... Aoko, I don't want you to worry. Until Kuroba kun admits to anything, everything is still uncertain. Don't overthink it."

The visitor's ID tags indicated that most of the people present were Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department commissioners, officers, inspectors...... higher-ranking officials, along with a few agents. Each person wore a serious expression, holding drinks or hot coffee provided by the reception as they sat on the iron chairs, whispering and discussing seriously.

"Officer Sato, long time no see. How have you been?" A middle-aged man with stubble, looking rugged like a lumberjack, raised his coffee cup to the woman beside him, who smiled and downed her energy drink. He was Director Hamada.

"Inspector Megure specifically asked me to catch up with you. But we still have to wait until they finish questioning," Officer Sato said.

"Director Hamada!" Officer Takagi hurried over, greeting them, and noticed Officer Sato. "I'm sorry, I came to find Officer Sato. There's been another explosion in Ginza, and we are short-staffed. Inspector Megure...he wanted us to be there."

"Alright." Officer Sato immediately grabbed Takagi's hand and ran out, leaving Hamada alone, shaking his coffee, lamenting, "Ah, the young couples."

"Commissioner General.......Hakuba? You... you are here too. I thought you went to London for a vacation." Hamada, who couldn't stay idle, patted his beer belly and gave a strong hug to his old comrade, who once shared a military bunk and buried torpedoes together. Facing his superior,Hakuba, Hamada showed no extra flattery or respect.

"How could I, there are too many things to handle here."

"How is your son, Hakuba Saguru, doing? He is such an impressive detective. I miss him these days. "Hamada asked Commissioner General Hakuba

"My son is preparing for the Cambridge University entrance exams, currently in seclusion. He said that he wouldn't be coming back for like two weeks?"

Hamada exchanged a few pleasantries, his eyes scanning the room and spotting Hattori Heiji standing in the dark.

"Hattori! Ah, Hattori Heizo( Hatorri Heiji's father), you look even thinner." Compared to others, Senior Commissioner Toyama and Superintendent Hattori were more serious men. Then, Hamada recognized Nakamori Aoko.

Accomplice__ Kudo Shinichi x Kaitou Kid, Kaito Kid x Kudo ShinichiWhere stories live. Discover now