Part 8:The Great Meitantei, Kudo Yusaku

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Kid's heart skipped a beat. He hadn't expected this organization, responsible for shrinking the great detective, to be connected to his father. Despite his perfect poker face, his alert level had maxed out. Kuroba discreetly scanned his surroundings, spotting more sniper rifles.

Gin was right; the outside was just a distraction, likely hired mercenaries.

[Impressive. You blew up our bases in Okinawa and Tokyo, then found your way here? Hahaha... If the organization had someone like you, I could kill a thousand useless members.]

Driven by impulse, Kid had planned to infiltrate the organization's lab to find an antidote forMeitantei. He thought the remaining members had fled, only to discover a more complex labyrinth inside.

The youthful zeal drove him to solve one puzzle after another, and then... upon opening the final iron door, his body froze. A presence more chilling than winter's heart-shaking fear washed over him. Behind a dark gun barrel was a silver-haired man with a cigarette, a sinister smile implying that Kid's arrival was anticipated.

Yet, it wasn't Gin who instilled that near-death fear... it was the man hiding behind a magically disguised window. Gin knew Kid had figured out who the real person was.

[If I had enough time, I'd love to catch up with you. However... it seems Mr. Kaitou Kid has a reason for being here.]

[The antidote for APTX.] Kuroba Kaito mimicked his father's voice. Gin raised an eyebrow, surprised by the demand: [Oh? What will you offer in return?]

Kuroba's eyes were definitely locked onto the man before him. He remained silent as the door to the room swung open. Vermouth, known as the Witch with a Thousand Faces, with her long, flowing white hair, concealed her inner shock and fear as she hurried to Gin's side, whispering in his ear.

A sinister smile appeared on Gin's face as he looked up again, making Kuroba feel uneasy.

Lowering his gun, Gin waved his left hand in a black leather glove. Immediately, a subordinate respectfully stepped forward and presented an iron box. Gin casually turned it a few times, and the lid popped open, revealing a row of red and white pills. He picked one up, examining it as if it were a treasure, and slowly walked forward. "A single pill, 99% of those who take it will die in agony, but the remaining 1% will revert to their body from ten years ago. How surprising that Kaitou Kid would risk his life for his archenemy..."

With a cold laugh, the door opened again. Vodka, with his massive frame, dragged in a woman who was screaming and begging for mercy, and threw her to the ground.

Gin continued to stare at Kid, then viciously kicked the woman in the upper abdomen. She widened her eyes and coughed up blood, but before she could close her mouth in panic, Gin's left hand covered it. After a fierce struggle, the woman twitched a few times before her eyes remained wide open, lifeless. Kuroba turned his head away.

"Such a pity. If she were that 1% lucky one, perhaps you could have saved her life."

"What are your terms?" Kuroba asked calmly, suppressing his rage.

"We're all smart here... Why don't you propose the terms first?" Vermouth said with a seductive smile. Kuroba clenched his fist in secret. He knew that revealing his identity was highly likely if he spoke, but his reason for being there was singular, his mind raced. "A permanent antidote, abandon the pursuit of Kudo Shinichi's case, and do not harm anyone around him. Those are my terms. I owe him a favor."

Raising his gun, Kuroba truly thought Gin had figured out his identity, but Gin smiled. "The favor of Kaitou Kid is priceless. Fine, I accept your terms. That gentleman thought you would ask for more. As for our terms..."

Accomplice__ Kudo Shinichi x Kaitou Kid, Kaito Kid x Kudo ShinichiWhere stories live. Discover now