Part 46: Steal a kiss

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"Are you out of your mind, Kid? If you don't report in, they'll ......"

"Relax, I've already informed the inspector. Who do you think I am?" Kuroba said, grabbing Kudo's hand and racing down the sidewalk. They quickly rented a bicycle, with Kudo reluctantly wrapping an arm around Kuroba's waist while holding onto the precarious back seat with the other.

"Hold tight, Meitantei."

"You jerk, I am not Conan anymore."

"You sure are. Too heavy."

Kuroba pedaled with incredible strength and speed, weaving through the growing evening crowd, as if always in a race against time.

Kuroba cycled up a hill, casually reaching out to pay for some takoyaki and grilled dango from a street vendor as they passed.

"Thanks, handsome!" the vendor shouted after them as they sped away.

The streets gradually emptied, leaving only the sound of Kuroba's steady breathing and the creaking of the old bike chain. A few lonely street lights flickered above them.

"Where exactly are we going?" Kudo asked.

"We're almost there. Just wait, Meitantei."

"You're not planning to take me into the mountains to kill me and bury me, are you?"

"Shut up and eat your takoyaki." Kuroba tossed a piece to Kudo, who, despite himself, enjoyed the warm, savory flavor.

"The old lady at that stall recognizes me now. I've bought from her many times with Aoko. You'd never guess how we found that place." Kuroba reminisced as he pedaled. "Aoko's bike chain broke one night, and we were walking down from the mountain around 8 PM. The lady was about to close up when she saw us. She used a few bamboo sticks, a flint, and a pair of tongs to fix the bike. She even poured some salad oil on the chain as a lubricating material. When we got home, Uncle Nakamori wondered why the bike smelled like a barbecue."

It was the first time Kudo had heard Kaito Kid talk about his past, mentioning Nakamori-keibu and Aoko Nakamori. A mix of emotions welled up within Kudo as he softly asked, "You called him 'uncle'?"

"That was back then. Now, I have to call him Chef Inspector Nakamori," Kuroba replied, his usually cheerful voice tinged with a desolateness that Kudo hadn't noticed before.

Kudo realized how little he knew about Kuroba's family, his school life, or his friends. Kaito Kid had never shared those details with him.

Just when Kudo thought they might be growing closer, he was reminded that they were still worlds apart, mere acquaintances thrown together by chance.

"So, you come here often?" Kudo asked as Kuroba stopped the bike and casually set it down. Before them was an observation deck.

"Of course. Whenever I'm feeling down, I come here. The vast starry sky always cheers me up. But it's mostly for Aoko. She's not as bright as me—calculus and linear algebra she can handle, but geometry and trigonometry are nightmares for her. We've cut class and come here so many times just so she could have a good cry. I'd go down to the street to buy something while she let it all out. Girls don't like being seen when they're crying. Aoko really cares about her grades, but she always loses to me... well."

Kuroba smiled as he looked at the mochi in his hand. "At least she's satisfied now. In class, it's just her and sometimes Hakuba competes for the top one, since he's back to England, she can take the top spot easily. Not that it matters anymore—graduation is near, and who cares about the last exam?"

Kudo caught the hint of sarcasm in his voice and darkened his gaze. "You're really nice and considerate to Aoko."

"Of course, she's my childhood friend, my best friend for many years."

They both lay down on the grassy hill behind the observation deck, gazing at the stars. Suddenly, Kuroba propped himself up and turned to Kudo.

"Are you jealous,Meitantei?"

Kuroba was only teasing, but he had a surprise planned for Kudo.

"Jealous? Did you hit your head?"

"Don't play dumb, Meitantei. Everyone was talking about us today, wondering if we're a couple. We should at least pretend, don't you think... darling?"

Kuroba's playful tone was now deeper, more magnetic, and Kudo shoved his face away, irritated. "Cut it out."

Just then, a streak of light cut through the clouds that had been gathering for days, followed by a burst of colorful fireworks. Kudo didn't need to ask who was behind it. Only one person could be so extravagant, so dramatic—the one lying next to him, pretending to be oblivious.

"Hey... Kid," Kudo called out, "You are the one who is behind that?You had help, didn't you? Was this your assistant's doing?"

"Hmm?Meitantei, don't waste your time trying to find him. With me around, he won't be caught by you or the police. Give up." Kuroba relaxed on the grass.

Kudo wanted to argue that he hadn't meant it that way, but his eyes were drawn to the sky, where his name was written in the stars.

"I owed you a favor for that gift you gave me last time, so I'm repaying it now. Consider this a belated birthday present."

Kudo wondered if Kuroba had gone to all this trouble because of his recent heartbreak. Only Kuroba could pull off something so over-the-top. Kudo was about to roll his eyes but softened instead.

"So? Do you like it?"

Do you like it?

The light of the fireworks reflected in Kuroba's mysterious, serene eyes, and Kudo saw his own reflection in them.

Like it.

Kudo wasn't sure what the question was really asking. What did he like? The fireworks? The night view? Or the white-clad thief in front of him, full of secrets and layers? Minutes passed, and Kuroba's breathing slowed as he drifted to sleep.

Kudo checked the time—only 7:30 PM. He decided to let Kuroba rest.

Staring up at the sky, Kudo identified the constellations, his mind calculating angles and recalling all kinds of astronomical and physical knowledge. Lost in thought, he glanced over at Kuroba, whose lips trembled slightly in the night air.

"Don't... You... Even if I have to die... I'll bring you back... Dad..."

Kuroba appeared to be in a deep sleep, but Kudo felt a chill in his heart. Slowly, he leaned in, closer and closer, until his gaze was fixed on Kuroba's smooth, porcelain-like skin, so pure it was almost like snow.

Kudo knew this was a line he should never cross, but he couldn't help himself.

So many nights, he had licked his lips, determined to catch the elusive Kaitou Kid, believing that their relationship would always hover between closeness and distance.

But now, Kid was right in front of him, sound asleep, completely unguarded.

Gently, Kudo lowered himself, their noses almost touching. The struggle within his heart was lost to the strong pull of his emotions.

He stole a kiss, barely brushing Kuroba Kaito's upper lips.

It was as though he had broken some sacred law.

Kudo fell back, covering his mouth with his elbow, his face burning with embarrassment.

Thank goodness it was dark—no one could see Kudo Shinichi's flustered, frustrated state.

Thank goodness it was dark, so Kudo didn't notice that Kuroba Kaito, now wide awake, had trembling eyelashes and clenched fists.

Accomplice__ Kudo Shinichi x Kaitou Kid, Kaito Kid x Kudo ShinichiWhere stories live. Discover now