Part 20 : Why is you again, Meitantei?

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Was it all over?

The Japanese police and the FBI had captured most of the organization members who went on bomb digging, although the core member__Tequila had escaped from the cemetery. Moreover, the police found out companies and politicians who had colluded with the Black Organization. But a sense of foreboding lingered.

At the last moment, as the police took Hirano Junichi away, he gave a bitter smile.

"Let all memories be buried here."

"Something's wrong!" Kudo shouted, causing the officers and Akai to stop and tense up. "What is it, Kudo?"

Hattori said, "The planetarium! Hirano Junichi planted the last bomb there. Kaito Kid blew up the top floor to create a stage, but Hirano Junichi planted another explosive on the third floor below. Remember? He said the Hirano family had three Hyakushi Boxes. Kaito Kid dismantled one, Hirano Shunsuke took another... the last one..."

Ran turned pale. "Hattori... are you serious? OMG! Shinichi! Aoko is at the top floor of the planetarium!"

"What? Why is she still there?" Inspector Megure asked. Ran anxiously replied, "She said she lost her phone and went back to the top floor of the planetarium to find it. But she still has not returned."

"What's going on?" Inspector Nakamori, ready to call it a day, was puzzled by the commotion. Ran grabbed his elbow. "Inspector Nakamori, Aoko is still near the planetarium's top floor! Hattori and Shinichi suspect a Hyakushi Box is buried below!"

Kudo added, "Remember Hirano Junichi's last words? He said it was the start of romance and the death of love. He wants to use the Hyakushi Box to blow the top off the planetarium, so his dead lover, Mrs. Hyakushi can see the stars as a final gift before he blows off the entire place.."

A chill ran down their spines.

"What are you standing around for? Go to the surveillance room! Call Aoko!" Nakamori shouted.

Nothing must happen!

The surveillance feed was still up, but their relief turned to horror as they saw the shadow hidden in the floor's crevice from the previous explosion.

"Inspector! The call won't go through; someone is on the line!" Aoko appeared in the screen's corner, rummaging through her bag. Nakamori snatched the phone, hearing a voice mail message: "Sorry, the number you dialed is currently in a call. Please try again later."

"Inspector, the public address system still can't be used!" Another officer yelled.

"Damn it! Drag Hirano Junichi here!" Inspector Nakamori shouted ten times louder than usual.

Junichi laughed, as the police took his smart phone out of his right pocket, the number on his phone screen was as red as blood.

35 seconds.

" Oops, looks like you only have thirty seconds left."

"You jerk!" Nakamori roared, spit flying onto Hirano's face. "What are you trying to do? You want to take an innocent person go down with you? Stop the bomb immediately! Right now!"

"It wasn't me who triggered the bomb, and I don't know who did, but I am guessing once the organization decided to wipe out the entire Hirano's family, they will do it soon, the more people know this place the worse, they killed my brother this morning, the next target will be this place. I did not plan the Hyakushi box here on purpose, we just put the bomb at the place where Gin demanded us to. Mr.Nakamori, I am terribly sorry that you can't save your precious daughter! But in the end, I lost my brother and my lover... why should I bear this pain alone?" Hirano Junichi shook his head.

Accomplice__ Kudo Shinichi x Kaitou Kid, Kaito Kid x Kudo ShinichiWhere stories live. Discover now