Chapter 17

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Red's POV

She curses herself for letting him get to her, no one does that to her Chloe. Her Chloe. She could feel her anger dim down a little as Chloe trails her hand on her back.  “Baby, you're gonna be late for your class.”

“I have a free period, Love.” Chloe replies.

She could hear footsteps coming near them. They both glanced up to see Joseff, along with Uma, the Fairy Godmother and Heidi. Their eyes showed concern as the Fairy Godmother knelt down to them. She flinches when Fairy Godmother reaches her hand out to her shoulder, recoiling herself more in Chloe's embrace as the Fairy retreats her hand back.

She sees Uma shake her head. “Why is it always gotta be you two?” She sighs. “Are you okay, Red? Your eyes are slightly… Well, red.”

My eyes are what?

Did I hear that correctly?

My eyes are red?

I should ask my mom about this.

She turns to Chloe to confirm if it's true, to which she nods as a reply. Knitting her brows together, she taps her finger on her girlfriend's hip. Uma walks and hovers over them, before turning to Joseff. “Can you tell me who did it?”

“It was Henry, son of Prince Hans. Though I doubt if his father is still a prince.” Joseff grits his teeth.

Uma nods, then turns back to her. “Hey Red. Can you make it back to class?”

She nods slowly.

Uma asks again. “Do you want to?”

She shakes her head.

“I'll see to it what the board will do about Charles and Henry, is that alright with the both of you, dear?” Fairy Godmother asks.

She nods again, this time more eager.

“I'll tell your teachers that you're excused for the rest of the afternoon, but I regret to inform you that I'm gonna have to call your parents.” Uma sighs as she rubs her temples.

Both of them reluctantly nod since there was nothing they could do about it, it was their third strike and it's not even their fault.

“Love, do you want to get up?” She hears Chloe whisper in her ear.

“Yeah.” They pull away as Chloe helps her up.

She clears her throat a little, and wipes the floor dust off of herself. “Nobody saw that.”

Chloe shakes her head, finding it ridiculous but at the same time, she understands this side of her wasn't for the public to even see in the first place. Walking away, she refuses to hold her hand even if her body wants to betray her. Sensing her girlfriend catching up to her, she slows down her pace to let her walk beside her.

“Red, want to go somewhere?” Chloe smiles.

Shrugging her shoulders. “Where do you have in mind?”

“You'll see, come on.” The girl giggled as she held out her hand.

Reluctantly holding on, she feels her pull outside the school and towards the stables for the jousting club. She watches Chloe take out a white horse and sends her a cheeky smile. “Chlo, what are you planning? Is this a sneak peek of Miss Goody Two shoes’ rebelion?”

“No, we have the rest of the afternoon to spend, so why not? This is Maxie, since neither of us know how to drive or have a license, this is the second option.” She shyly chuckles as she pats the side of the horse.

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