Chapter 22

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Chloe's POV

It felt like a dream hearing her say it, she couldn't help but kiss her abruptly then lovingly kiss her whole face with the words ‘I love you‘ on every impact. Hearing her happily laugh at the gesture, she stops and kisses her again this time with more force that left them catching their breaths after pulling away.

“I love you too, Red of Hearts.” She swore her girlfriend's eyes turned red the minute she said it.

“What is it?” The girl raises her brow.

“Your eyes.” She points. “It's glowing.”

“Wow, I never thought I'd say this out loud, but my mom was right.” Red purses her lips.

“Right about what?”

“That I found pure love.” Her girlfriend grins as she kisses her jaw.

Pulling away to prevent her from putting another mark, she yawns.  “I'm tired, Love. Let's sleep?”

Red rolls her eyes with a smirk. “Change first, then sleep.”

She grins, kissing her again before getting off of her and heading to the bathroom.

Finally, she told her she loves her, could life get any more better? She has a loving girlfriend who she loves dearly, a family that supports her and has her back, and is captain of the team she has been training her whole life as well as fixing the future that they're in right now. She laughs at herself after a thought comes into her mind that she would marry Red right then and there.

Seeing Red laid down half-asleep on her bed, she softly smiles as she lays next to her while sneaking a kiss on her forehead before drifting to sleep as well. They spent class fairly well, sometimes scolding Red for not doing her assignments, holding hands under the desks, ironically going in the janitor's closet to steal kisses or as Red like's to call "getting a little vitamin C" just to tease her, overall they were handling their relationship very well.

Friday came, the day she was exaggeratedly dreading because Red was going to Wonderland after class, call her attached but it doesn't help knowing Red‘s going back to where she wanted to escape in the first place worries her. Even if they did change the past, would it still bring back the memories she had from her past, how she hated these thoughts but when she sees Red staring at her with concern all those thoughts disappear in an instant.

“You're worried about me going back to Wonderland, aren't you?” She feels Red‘s hand caress her shoulder.

“Yeah.” She sympathetically sighs.

“Hey, it's only for a few hours. You'll see me again tomorrow.” Red shrugs.

“Speak for yourself, Love. You're the one that's not patient enough to wait to kiss me every second.” She rolls her eyes.

Watching her girlfriend frown. “You're right, I'm not.”

She laughs. “I'll see you tomorrow, Red. I love you.”

Watching Red grin like a madman as she steps on the carriage. “I love you too, Chloe Charming.”

She watched her get in and lingered longer to watch the carriage fade into the distance, she couldn’t help but exclaim in happiness as she punched the air. Hearing an amused laugh behind her, she turns to see her brother smiling amusedly.

“Never thought I'd see the day you'd be all smitten.” He teases making her roll her eyes.

“Whatever, Chad.” She chuckles.

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