Series of Bad Events

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[Author Note]

Disc: HrPrTeam

Geto a bum.



Riko only shook her head. "*Sigh* Anyways, I have school and don't want to be late. You guys were way too slow getting here."

Gojo spoke up. "Huh? You're the star plasma vessel, and people are coming after your life, and you want to go to school?"

She stomped. "Of course I do! I want to talk to my friends before leaving!"

I smile. "You have friends?"

Riko pointed at me. "I'll let you know that I am extremely popular at my school. Thank you very much!"

Why is she so loud?

Thankfully, the vessel's location hasn't been leaked, so Q and the Star Religious Group are actively searching.

Rubbing my forehead, I speak. "Q is searching for you, and what better place to find you than at your school? Can we do something else?"

I would respect the last wishes in different circumstances, but this isn't a joke. Even if she is a middle schooler, the assimilation needs to occur. Hell, I even killed Toji. I'm not wasting this.

Riko becomes even louder. "NO, I'm going to school!"

Would it be ethically wrong to punch a child in this scenario?

I scratch my hair. "*UGH* Fine, but I'm staying close by. I'm not asking. You're too important."

Gojo spoke up and pointed at himself. "What about me? I'm still here."

I raise an eyebrow. "Since I'll be looking after Riko, you can ensure that Q doesn't get close by monitoring the surroundings. what you can."

Gojo smiled. "You really like ordering people around, hmm?"

Narrowing my eyes, I speak up. "First off, you asked me. Second, sorry, Satoru, this isn't the time to mess around. This only happens every 500 years, so we can't fuck this up. It doesn't matter if we're the strongest if they get their hands on Riko."

I noticed that Kuroi was glaring at me. Most likely because of my choice of words.

Gojo leans back in his chair. "Fine, fine, I got it."

After Gojo finishes his sentence, Riko speaks up. "J-just don't let people see you! You're going to embarrass me!"

I lean forward. "Alright, I'll stay close but will not show myself to your friends. If something happens, we will bail, and there will be no complaints. Capiche?"

She looks irritated. "*Grr* Fine!"


After our discussion, Kuroi ended up taking her to school. Since I would be her bodyguard for the time being, I'd be able to track her using her cursed energy.

Gojo and I split up so Gojo could keep an eye out for any suspicious individuals who might want to infiltrate the school to find and kill Riko.

Currently, I am on top of the school, hidden from view but close enough to detect any problem.


I get a call from Gojo. "Hey man, suspicious activity spotted."

*Inhale* *Exhale* "NO SHIT!"

Hanging up, I bust the ceiling open right above Riko. Before anyone can say anything, I grab Riko and carry her like luggage.

Riko starts screaming and kicking. "What the hell are you doing!?"

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