Naohiro vs. Naoya

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[Author Note]

Mixed opinions on the last chapter. This isn't going to be a Naoya Naohiro story. Brothers are a huge theming point in JJK, so I thought I'd include it.

Why is Projection Sorcery so complex!?


Usually, asking not to get hit by a Projection Sorcery user would be stupid. All they have to do is touch you to make you follow their 24 frames a second. Even if I were to block one of his attacks, he could freeze me, giving him time to attack me.

How am I planning on dealing with it?

Let's say that I didn't only figure out how to create an empty domain. Even though he is annoying, Naobito gave me massive confidence for one reason.

'shink, click'




Projection Sorcery adapted.

I pinpointed the subtle changes in my cursed energy when my adaption occurred with my training with Naobito. Now, I can use it on the fly whenever I adapt to something and remember it.

Now Naoya has to hit me only using his fists.

I smile, "[Falling Blossom Emotion.]"

I know that I am going overboard, but I need to make it clear to Naoya that I am here to help.

As I activate my techniques, Naoya rushes forward, spreading his palm. While fast, I push his arm to the side, grab it, and throw him over my shoulder, crashing into one of the walls.

The perk of Falling Blossom Emotion on a fast technique is that it counters with equal force. There is a reason why it works on sure-hit techniques and makes for a great anti-domain.

Getting up and sharpening his gaze, Naoya suddenly had his speed explode.

So this is Naoya's usage of Projection Sorcery. It's very different than Naobito. He is still a child, so it makes sense, but Naobito uses it to make unnatural movements that are almost impossible to predict.

Naoya, however, is predictable.

Projection Sorcery requires the user to follow the 24 frames no matter what, so as long as you know where they will be in which frame, you can do this!

I put my foot out into the air, and not even half a second later, Naoya ran into my foot at high speed.

As my foot connects to his stomach, he goes flying and vomits a bit. "*Bleh*"

Since he is supposed to hit me and not just be a one-sided beatdown like usual, I stand in the same place and talk to him. "You're predictable. You move forward with your right foot every two frames and hop with your left every frame. Having people being able to read you will get you killed since you have to follow your projection."

While I am adapted to Projection Sorcery, I can't stop him from using it. I only have the immunity of not being forced to follow 24 frames if I make contact with his palm.

Since he is still lying down, I give him another piece of advice. "While the laws of physics need to be followed with Projection Sorcery, they are very vague and can sometimes be bent to allow for unpredictable movement."

It took Naoya a full minute to get up from that one attack. "Satoru Gojo will have the Six Eyes and will have an easier time seeing your frames than I do. Under the current circumstance, there is no way for you to bypass his infinity. Until you learn technique nullifying techniques, you'll need to rely on alternative methods."

It seemed like he understood me since he started sprinting around me quickly. If he's required to follow frames and I can see where he's going, I can do the same thing and attack him where he will appear. It's either that, or he gets frozen for one second.

As he sprints around me, I constantly follow him with my eyes to see when he will sprint forward. Something I noticed was that he was getting faster. I'm not sure I could keep up with him without using cursed energy anymore.

When he reaches a speed I've never seen him reach, he shoots off his right foot to get close to me. I see him reach his palm out to touch my shoulder. I grab his wrist before it makes contact and see him warp unnaturally.

He was too close and shot up his speed by using projection sorcery at close range; however, instead of catching him mid-frame, he could tap me on the third frame with his palm for a microsecond, which gets countered by Falling Blossom Emotion.

He loses control, and when he ends his frame cycle, he tumbles and crashes into the wall for the third time. He gets up instantly, looking for his older brother to be frozen in a frame, but he didn't expect that even if he was fast enough to get back to me, I wasn't frozen in the first place.

Naoya was dumbfounded. "How did you avoid becoming a frame!? I felt contact, and Falling Blossom Emotion shouldn't have stopped it...unless you followed the 24 movements!"

I smile at him, "Nope, I countered it by using my super strong technique. Now that you realize you can't hit me, it's time to end this. I clap my hands together, [Pseudo-Domain Expansion: Empty Bubble!]"

A large black barrier gets formed and engulfs Naoya. "And with that, I win."

After I trap Naoya in my empty bubble, I snicker as I hear, "*muffled* let me out, you jerk!"

Oh my goodness, this is hilarious. "Hmm, I can't hear you!"

The muffled voice gets a lot louder. "Fine, I give up, asshole!"

Man, this will be some great blackmail in the future, but I should stop tormenting him. It's just another older brother thing.

I unclasp my hand, which causes the black orb to shatter. It brings forward a very upset-looking Naoya.

Man, I feel kind of bad now. "Sorry for messing around with you. I shouldn't have gone that far. I was impressed. You were able to get a full palm on me to get off the Projection Sorcery. It would've worked on anyone else. I'll make you breakfast tomorrow. See you then?"

Pulling domain pieces out of his hair, he replies, "*phft* oh my goodness, I think some of it got in my mouth. But yeah, I'll see you tomorrow."

Now, let's see how far Naoya can go.


Pseudo Domain Expansion.

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