I'm Naohiro

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[Author Note]

Volume 4 has officially started!

Will cover Older Teen -> Adult Naohiro.

Disc: HrPrTeam (Joining the discord would be nice because we have a ton of weirdos. Evening it out would be amazing.)

Question: I know that Yuji stocks are high.

Does anyone still have investments in Kashimo stock? 💀



A black barrier encases us both. Then, a fleshy, womb-like structure with a giant eye in the middle forms, with Naoya standing in front of it.

I smile before activating my anti-domain. "[Falling Blossom Emotion]."

With the injection of films that the sure-hit gives to its victims, Falling Blossom Emotion can counter them before they enter one's body.

Similarly to how my domain works, getting hit by the sure-hit a single time means you are under its rules.

I can't help but give him a genuine smile. "I'm extremely impressed that you were able to pull it off. I'm confused why you asked me to go all out even when you know that my domain would overwhelm yours."

Normally, there are a few ways to tell how refined a domain is: one is whether the domain is completed. Two is the stability of the structure. Finally, the third is seeing the effect on the user.

Surprisingly, he smiles back. "*Huff* *Huff* I wanted to see how my domain stacks up to more refined ones."

However, I notice something. "Is this your first time pulling off the complete domain?"

He widens his eyes. "What?"

I sit down in the middle. "You can barely hold this thing together. If you move an inch, the whole thing will shatter. You put too much cursed energy into it, making you nearly run dry as soon as it came out. Pumping above and beyond cursed energy is only needed when you are at a clear refinement disadvantage with another domain."

Naoya stands still but still ponders before snorting a laugh. "You are the only person who can sit down in someone's domain expansion and explain to them what they are doing wrong."

I continue. "While it can have a huge payoff, expanding a domain right from the jump can weaken you if it gets removed, so it should be used carefully."

He gives me a deadpan stare.

I raise an eyebrow. "What?"

Naoya keeps his deadpan stare. "You are the last person I want to hear that from."

What is he talking about?

Then it hits me. "I expand my domain a lot, don't I?"

He smirks. "You throw domains out like they are basic cursed energy reinforcement."


His domain shatters. "Well, I can afford to repeatedly use them. It's called an effective use of your technique."

However, his smirk stays on his face. "Sure, whatever you want to call it."

I huff a laugh. "In any case, you picked it up pretty quick. So, what is this thing about being a rogue cursed user? Gojo told me about it but didn't go into specifics. Also, why haven't I been attacked since returning?"

He flops his head back. "*Ugh* You really are a dense anime protagonist. Of course, no one will attack you; you're freakishly strong. Why follow some dumbass rule if it's going to get you killed?"

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