Reborn as an Adapter *Omake*

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[Author Note]

Disc: HrPrTeam

The omake isn't going to make any sense if you haven't read my other garbage novel, Reborn as a Dragon!?

I don't care, though. Don't read it.

The Disc voted for a verse crossover. So, why not use the garbage verse I created? 💀

This omake isn't canon.


Naohiro (Chapter 99: The Strongest Sorcerer)

Damn, looks like I lost.

Who knew that Gojo would take off my head?

Of course, he had a random technique that he hadn't used since the blah blah era.

Shoot, Shoko is going to kill me.




Well, in any case, it was fun.

I dealt with all of the threats to Jujutsu society so that the next generation doesn't have to worry about them.

It sucks that I can't be there with them, but even if Shoko made it to me, my upper body was blown off.

I've been reincarnated once, so I'm sorta banking on it happening again.

Closing my eyes, I do the only thing I can.


Yes, working with the soul long enough allowed me to sleep.

Don't question it. It makes complete sense.

My consciousness started drifting as I had a single thought.

'I hope everyone is going to have a nice life.'




Except for you, Yuta.

Fuck you.

I passed out as I forced my soul to 'sleep.'


Previously, on Reborn as a Dragon!? (Chapter 26: "My Hero")

(A/N - "I put the source there, but please, God, do not visit it.")

The two idiots are sleeping on me with red faces, indicating that they have been crying. I smile and flick them both on the head, startling them and making Jean fall over. They both look at me and give me a hug that could probably kill a bear.

I look outside and drop my head downwards.

(Ellie) - "All good things must sadly come to an end."



The next thing I knew, I felt my body again standing.

My eyes slowly open.

(Naohiro) - "Huh?"

(Mystery Kid) - "Holy shit, I got isekai'd, WOOOO! No more school and I get some badass cheats! Where is the demon king, what are my stats, what are my new abilities!? Holy crap, I have 800 hp and 10 intelligence! I bet that is super strong in this world!"

What the hell?

Hp, intelligence?

Don't tell me...

Out of all the places God could send me.

Jujutsu Kaisen: Nah I'd AdaptWhere stories live. Discover now