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[Author Note]

Disc: HrPrTeam




3rd Person: Two Weeks Later

A man is standing in the middle of a room surrounded by orange panels. This man can be identified as the current second-year teacher and principal candidate, Masamichi Yaga.

An old voice speaks. "We heard that you wish to speak with us."

Yaga narrows his eyes. "Yes, I am asking you to reconsider making Naohiro Zenin a rogue cursed user."

A woman speaks from a different panel. "After being sent to retrieve Suguru Geto, he vanished without contact. Reports were made, and a local cafe was attacked in the public eye."

Another spoke up. "Civilians were found dead and unconscious. The entire city has been wondering what has been going on. This means that the government's eyes are now on jujutsu society. Covering up this incident has cost many resources."

Then, a deep-voiced man spoke from behind Yaga. "Suguru Geto's blood and parts of his body were found at the scene. They were identified by matching the cursed energy of previous samples collected. There is no other conclusion that can be made."

Finally, a raspy voice spoke. "Aside from Satoru Gojo and Yuki Tsukumo, nobody could've defeated Naohiro Zenin. Satoru Gojo assimilated the Star Plasma Vessel, and Yuki Tsukumo is in Africa."

Yaga clenched his hands. "I know how it looks, but I've known the boy, and he wouldn't kill his classmate, let alone Suguru Geto, one of his close friends. I'm asking for time. Time to find and have him explain himself."

Many people narrowed their eyes at Yaga even if they couldn't be seen.

The deep-voiced man from before spoke. "Bringing personal feelings into this is irrelevant. The facts are that a valued sorcerer is dead, and another has disappeared at the same time."

However, Yaga spoke up. "It's not personal feelings. My objective view of him tells me that he couldn't be responsible for this!"

A woman raised her voice. "Quiet! The decision is final. Your request has been denied. Henceforth, Naohiro Zenin should be labeled as a rogue cursed user and is to be captured or killed on sight."

Yaga looked like he wanted to say something, but he turned around and walked out, not saying a word.


However, there was someone listening in on the conversation. Obviously, he wasn't allowed to be present, but nobody could detect Gojo if he didn't want to. His cursed energy control was near-perfect due to the Six Eyes.

As soon as Yaga left the room, he spoke up to seemingly no one. "What do you think, and what will you do, Satoru?"

The man in question spoke without his usual goofy persona. "They say it like anyone can capture or kill him. I could kill the higher-ups, but that might not solve the issue. Naohiro didn't do it, so I will find out who did. When I do, I'm going to kill them."

Gojo pondered for a moment and thought to himself. 'Who the hell can do something like this if not him? Nobody aside from Yuki and I can stop him at this point. Even we would have an extremely hard time against him.'

Then, something clicked in Gojo's mind, and he widened his eyes. 'Naohiro and Tengen told me about this Kenjaku guy that they were worried about. Apparently, he was going after him at some point. Kenjaku, huh? When I get my hands on you, I'll make you wish you were dead.'

Yaga didn't react to Gojo's death threat to the high-ups', instead responding to Gojo. "Just don't get yourself killed. If you can talk to Shoko, that would be nice. She's been taking this whole thing pretty hard. It surprised me since she never shows emotion, but Geto and Naohiro were part of her life."

Gojo sighed. "*Sigh* You're asking me, of all people, to console someone? I'll try, but I'm not good at this stuff."

All Yaga did was stare at the floor and release a breath he didn't know he was holding in.


That dumbass.

What's the point of coming back if he's going to vanish again?

I know they are saying he killed his classmate and is a rogue cursed user, but they are full of shit. They don't know him like I do.

Since he left, I've taken up the mantle of the leader of the Hei since the Kukuru wasn't allowed to move back into the quarters and was made a permanent subsection of the Hei, regardless of the number of members.

He leaves whenever he wants and doesn't tell me why.

I know I'm sounding like a whiny brat, but he's been such a big part of my life that it's frustrating to feel like I know nothing about him.

I want to know why he does what he does, how he is so talented, and why he doesn't talk to me about his struggles. He knows something important that he isn't telling anyone. I've been around him long enough to realize that.

At least Father seems to care about his disappearance, but I don't know if it's his care for him as a father or his usefulness to the clan. I don't know what I'll do when he comes back because it's not like I can force him to speak.

I pondered for a moment.

Hmm, he said that he wants me to get to special grade. I'll become a special grade and get a domain expansion. When I do, I will ask him what his deal is. He obviously cares enough about me to go out of his way to help me with things, so maybe I'll get to understand him.

Days, weeks, months, or years. I'll be training for when he gets back.





I've been cutting myself up with my [Maximum Soul Scythe] to develop a near-perfect immunity to slashes. Strengthening my soul and my slashing resistance will allow me to avoid being a helpless loser in front of Sukuna.

I couldn't do anything.

He could've gut me like a fish whenever he wanted before I adapted, but he played around, and I could escape.

Being helpless isn't something I ever want to experience again. I was dropped into this world with benefits that can be unmatched if used correctly, and I'm not planning on wasting them.

It's been a few days since I've been able to use my techniques, so realistically, I can get out whenever I want, but the training time is too useful to pass up.

Not having to eat or get tired from my techniques makes this place the perfect place to train if you don't have your cursed energy restricted.

Sealing is a negative issue at this point. I'm glad I got sealed in the prison realm early, so sealing won't become a problem in the future.

Sorry, everyone, you'll have to wait a little longer.



When I'm done here, I'll be the strongest.


Naohiro really does like Toji. Loves leaving his responsibilities.

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