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Rudransh's POV

Last night was the best. What happened in the trial room with Amaira was more than I could have ever expected.

The way she blushed, the way she looked at me—everything felt right.

The memory of it lingered with me as I sat in my office, a small smile playing on my lips.

My thoughts were interrupted when Abhishek entered the room, his expression serious yet amused.

“he is in the warehouse, Rudransh,” he informed me, his voice filled with the satisfaction of a job well done.

A wave of anger surged through me at the mention of his name. He had put Amaira through hell, and he is going to pay for it.

I nodded, leaning back in my chair as I considered my options.

“Don’t give him any food. Tie him up with the metallic rope; I want him to feel every bruise, every bit of pain. He can rot there until this wedding is over, and then I’ll deal with him.”

Abhishek smirked, clearly relishing the thought. “Understood.”

I couldn’t help but feel a surge of satisfaction. Pratharv had messed with my girl, and now that bastard was going to learn exactly what that meant.

As we discussed further details, my PA burst into the room, his face pale and panicked.

“What happened?” I demanded, my heart rate quickening.

“There’s a girl… She’s outside, and one of our staff misbehaved with her,” he stammered, clearly shaken.

A cold dread settled over me. “What’s her name?”

“Amaira,” he replied.

In that moment, nothing else mattered. Abhishek and I bolted out of the office and ran towards her.

When I saw her, my heart sank—she was crying and shivering . Without a second thought, I picked her up in my arms, carrying her bridal style to my cabin.

Abhishek quickly called the doctor who worked on the first floor of our building.

I held her close, whispering soothing words into her ear. “You’re safe with me, baby. Nothing will happen to you. Just relax, okay?”

But she fainted before she could respond.

The doctor arrived soon after, checking her over and administering some medicine to help calm her down.

As she slowly came to, I sat on the office couch, cradling her in my arms, refusing to let go.

Amaira's POV

The silence was heavy, so I broke it, my voice shaky. “I’m sorry, Rudransh.”

“For what, Snowflake?” he asked, his tone gentle but concerned.

“I didn’t inform you before coming to your office. My work was done for the day, and I thought we could have lunch together, but then that man…” My voice faltered as the memory surfaced, but before I could say more, he pulled me into a tight hug.

“It’s okay, Snowflake. It happens,” he murmured, his breath warm against my hair.

I nodded against his chest, finding comfort in his embrace.

“Trust me, Rudransh, I’ll tell you the truth about my past soon. Just give me some time.”

He kissed my temple, his lips soft and reassuring. “Take as much time as you need, baby.”

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