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Enjoy the part💘

Rudransh’s POV

The car rolled to a stop in front of Amaira’s house, the engine humming softly as I put the vehicle in park.

We had shared a quiet, pleasant drive, the tension from the previous days slowly ebbing away.

As Amaira reached for the door handle, I felt an unexpected urge to stop her.

Without fully understanding why, I gently pulled her back and pressed a kiss to her forehead. It was a spontaneous gesture, and as soon as it happened, I was filled with a mix of confusion and anticipation.

Amaira looked up at me, her eyes wide but soft, and for a moment, neither of us spoke.

She didn’t push me away, nor did she pull back. Instead, she simply looked at me, and I saw a flicker of something—trust, perhaps? It was enough to make me feel a strange sense of peace.

After that brief moment, I withdrew and gave her a small, reassuring smile.

“Take care, Amaira,” I said softly.

She nodded, and I watched as she walked up to her front door.

I drove away, feeling a mixture of uncertainty and exhilaration.

Once I arrived at the office, I plunged into my work, trying to focus on emails and pending tasks.

However, my thoughts kept drifting back to Amaira.

The kiss on her forehead was unlike anything I had done before. It felt right, even though it was unplanned and out of character.

I was distracted, my mind constantly wandering back to her.

Just then, Abhishek walked into my office, his expression curious.

“You look lost in thought,” he remarked. “Is everything okay?”

I nodded, though my mind was far from settled.

“I wanted to ask you about Amaira. Have you found out anything more about her?”

Abhishek took a seat, his demeanor becoming serious.

“I dug into her past a bit more. It turns out she was in a three-year relationship with a guy named Pratharv. They broke up for reasons that are still unclear. From what I’ve gathered, Amaira overheard a conversation at the party between her best friend Meera and Pratharv, where they discussed plans to betray her.”

I listened intently, my concern for Amaira growing.

“So, the whole story isn’t fully clear yet?”

“Exactly,” Abhishek confirmed.

“Amaira has yet to fill in the gaps. But knowing her, it might take some time before she opens up completely.”

I took in the information, my thoughts racing.

“Thanks for the update. By the way, I messaged Amaira this afternoon to check in on her. She replied quickly and mentioned she’d taken her medicine. We ended the conversation with a simple goodbye.”

Abhishek chuckled, a knowing look in his eyes.

“You’re quite smitten, aren’t you? I can see it.”

I shrugged, trying to play it cool. “Maybe. I just want to make sure she’s okay.”

The conversation shifted as Abhishek brought up a new topic.

“You wanted me to arrange something with Pratharv?”

“Yes,” I said.

“I want him to come to my warehouse. It’s a secure location where we can talk privately. Only my trusted staff and a few close friends, including you and Ashutosh, know about it. It’s a place where we can get some answers without interference and rest you know for what my warehouse is for”

Abhishek nodded in agreement and smirked “I’ll arrange it.”

Amaira’s POV

The kiss on my forehead had left me stunned, a whirlwind of emotions flooding over me.

It was unexpected and deeply affecting. After the breakup with Pratharv, I had erected emotional walls around myself, allowing only my father and brother to come close.

But with Rudransh, it was different. I didn’t feel the need to push him away; instead, I felt a profound sense of safety and comfort.

It was a feeling I hadn’t experienced in a long time, and I found myself craving more of it.

As I entered my house, my heart was still racing from the encounter. To my surprise, I found my brother,

Aarav, waiting for me. He had been in London for a year, and his unexpected return was a joyous shock.

I rushed to him, enveloping him in a tight hug. The familiarity and warmth of his embrace were a balm to my troubled heart.

“Surprise!” he said, laughing. “I thought I’d come back and see how my little sister is doing.”

I couldn’t help but smile through my tears of happiness. “I missed you so much, Aarav bhai. I can’t believe you’re here!”

Our father joined us, and the conversation soon turned to family matters.

Dad dropped a bombshell when he announced that Aarav’s wedding was scheduled in just two weeks, in Udaipur.

The news was both exciting and overwhelming. I was thrilled at the thought of celebrating with my family, but the whirlwind of preparations was daunting.

Aarav bhai has being dating a girl named Priya from the past 4 years. I know her very well she is so sweet. I would love to accept her as my sister in law.

As the day wore on, Rudransh’s message popped up on my phone. He checked in to see how I was feeling, and we exchanged a few messages.

The simplicity of our conversation was comforting, and it provided a small sense of normalcy amidst the chaos.

I decided to take a nap, the exhaustion from the past few days catching up with me.

I lay down in bed, feeling the weight of the day's events lifting as I drifted into a peaceful sleep.

Rudransh's POV

The day had been a flurry of activity and reflection. My thoughts were persistently occupied by Amaira, and I couldn’t shake off the feeling that something significant was unfolding. As evening approached, I found myself lost in thought.

Abhishek’s teasing about my feelings for Amaira was both amusing and frustrating. It was clear that I was more invested than I had initially admitted.

Abhishek arrived later, noticing my contemplative mood.

“You’re in deep thought. Still thinking about Amaira?” he teased.

I sighed. “It’s hard not to. There’s something about her… I just need to get to the bottom of this situation.”

True to my word, I asked Abhishek to bring Prathar at my warehouse.

It was a location I used for confidential matters or you can say when I am in my devil mode away from prying eyes.

The idea was to get some answers and hopefully piece together the full story behind Amaira’s troubled past.

As I prepared for the evening, I felt a mix of anticipation and unease.

The warehouse was more than just a secure location; it was a place where difficult conversations and decisions were made.
That is the place where it is decided that a person should die at the moment or we should torture them.


Hope you enjoyed their closeness

Voteee for the next part❤️


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