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Have fun cutiesss💘

Author’s POV

The morning after Aarav and Priya's wedding was filled with the gentle buzz of family members preparing to return home.

The Batras had hosted a beautiful wedding, and now it was time for everyone to settle back into their daily lives.

For Amaira, the emotions were a mix of joy and a lingering sense of unease, not just because her brother was starting a new life, but because of the unspoken threats that still loomed in the background.

Rudransh, who had been a constant presence beside Amaira throughout the wedding festivities, was set drive the Batra family home.

As they loaded the car with bags and wedding gifts, Amaira couldn’t help but feel a pang of sadness at leaving the Malhotra mansion, where so many memories had been made.

But she knew this wasn’t a goodbye.

It was just the beginning of a new chapter.

Rudransh’s POV

Dropping Amaira and her family home was bittersweet. The Batras had become like a second family to me, and leaving them behind—even temporarily—felt wrong.

But I knew that Amaira needed to be with her family, especially with the looming threat of Pratharv.

As we pulled up in front of the Batra mansion, I turned off the engine and looked over at Amaira.

Her face was a mixture of relief and sadness, and I could tell that she was reluctant to part ways.

“I’ll be back soon,” I promised, reaching out to brush a stray hair behind her ear.

"And if anything happens—if you feel even the slightest bit uneasy—you call me, okay?”

She nodded, her eyes meeting mine with a seriousness that belied her usual calm demeanor.

“I will, Rudra. But you have to promise me something too.”

“Anything,” I said, without hesitation.

“Promise me that you’ll be careful. I know you’re doing everything to keep us safe, but I need to know that you’re safe too. I can’t lose you.”

Her voice wavered slightly at the end, and I could see the fear in her eyes. It was a fear that mirrored my own.

“I promise, snowflake. I’ll be careful. We’ll get through this together.”

With that, she leaned in to kiss me, a brief but tender moment that felt like a promise in itself.

I wanted nothing more than to stay with her, to protect her from everything that threatened to tear us apart.

But I knew I couldn’t. She needed to be with her family right now, and I had to respect that.

Amaira’s POV

As we unloaded the car and made our way inside, I couldn’t help but feel the familiar warmth of home wash over me.

The Batra mansion was just as it always had been—welcoming, comforting, and full of love.

But now, with Priya in our midst, it felt like our family was finally complete.

My parents were already doting on Priya, who was taking it all in stride with a grace that I admired.

She was going to fit in perfectly with us, and I knew she and Aarav were going to be very happy together.

But even as I helped carry the bags inside, my mind kept drifting back to Rudra. I missed him already, and I couldn’t shake the worry that had settled in my chest ever since we’d gotten that call about Pratharv.

I knew Rudra would do everything in his power to protect us, but I couldn’t help but feel that something was coming—something that would test us in ways we hadn’t imagined.

Pratharv's POV

The Batras were back home. Rudransh had done exactly what I expected—he’d taken them back to their precious little mansion, thinking he could protect them with his presence alone. But I knew better.

II knew how to get what I wanted, and this time, there would be no mistakes.

I’d been watching, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. I knew their routines, their habits.

I knew when they were most vulnerable, and I was ready to exploit every weakness.

Amaira might think she was safe with Rudransh around, but she was wrong. I had lost everything because of that man—my business, my reputation, and the woman I loved.

But that was all about to change. I would make them pay, and I would take back what was mine.

It was only a matter of time.

Author’s POV

Back at the Batra mansion, life began to settle into a new rhythm. Aarav and Priya were adjusting to their new life as husband and wife, while Amaira found herself slipping back into her usual routine, though the absence of Rudra weighed heavily on her.

But despite the outward calm, there was an undercurrent of tension that ran through the household.

Amaira could feel it in the way her parents seemed to hover around her, in the way Aarav checked in on her more frequently than usual.

They were all on edge, waiting for something to happen, though none of them could say exactly what it was.

Amaira tried to distract herself with work, throwing herself into her duties at the office.

But even there, the unease followed her. Every phone call, every unfamiliar face, felt like a potential threat.

She knew it was irrational, but she couldn’t help it. Pratharv was out there, and she had no idea what he was planning next.

But even as she tried to focus on her work, her thoughts kept drifting back to Rudra.

She missed him more than she cared to admit, and the distance between them felt like an unbearable weight on her heart.

She wished he were there with her, to hold her and tell her everything would be okay.

But she knew he was just as caught up in this mess as she was, if not more so.

That evening, as she sat in her room, Amaira made a decision.

She couldn’t just sit around waiting for something to happen. She needed to do something—anything—to regain a sense of control over her life.

And the first step was to confront the fear that had taken hold of her.

Picking up her phone, she dialed Rudra’s number. It rang only once before he picked up.

“Amaira?” His voice was laced with concern.

“Rudra, I need to see you,” she said, her voice trembling slightly.

“I’ll be there in ten minutes,” he replied without hesitation.


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