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Hope you will enjoy 💘

Rudransh’s POV

Amaira lay in bed, her breathing steady but her expression still clouded with discomfort. I decided to take advantage of the calm to call Abhishek.

I needed to understand what had happened and who might be responsible for Amaira’s distress.

I picked up my phone and dialed Abhishek’s number. He answered quickly, his voice laced with curiosity.

“Abhishek, I need you to look into something for me,” I said, my tone urgent.

“Find out what really happened to Amaira tonight. Check the CCTV footage from the mansion and see if you can identify anyone who might have been involved. I want to know who’s behind this.”

“I’m on it,” Abhishek replied. “I’ll get back to you as soon as I have something.”

I ended the call and turned my attention back to Amaira. I took her hand in mine, trying to offer her the comfort and reassurance she needed.

The warmth of her hand in mine felt like a small comfort amidst the chaos of the evening.

She began to stir, her eyelids fluttering as she slowly woke up. I could see the confusion in her eyes as she took in her surroundings.

"You’re in my room,” I said softly, helping her to sit up.

“You fainted outside, and I brought you here. Everyone knows you’re here and is worried, but you’re safe now.”

Amaira’s gaze wandered around the room, her eyes landing on me. I saw the shock and confusion in her eyes, and I wanted to do everything I could to help her feel secure.

But before I could say more, the door to the room opened, and a girl hurried in.

She looked anxious, her face a mix of concern and urgency. She approached Amaira with a forced smile, asking her how she was and if she was okay.

The concern seemed over-the-top, almost theatrical. I could sense Amaira’s discomfort immediately;

She tensed, her body language shifting from relaxed to uneasy.

I noticed Amaira’s hands beginning to tremble, her breathing becoming shallow.

Something about the girl’s presence seemed to unsettle her further. I stepped forward, my protective instincts kicking in.

“Could you please step outside for a moment?” I asked firmly, my gaze steady but polite.

The girl’s expression faltered slightly, but she nodded and left the room without another word.

As soon as the door closed behind her, Amaira’s composure broke. She turned to me, her eyes welling up with tears. She reached out, hugging me tightly, and started crying in my arms.

The weight of her distress hit me hard. I held her close, my hand gently stroking her back as she sobbed.

I didn’t press her for details; she clearly wasn’t ready to talk. I simply provided the comfort she so desperately needed, my own heart aching for her.

Amaira’s POV

I opened my eyes to find myself in a beautifully decorated room, the elegance of the surroundings almost surreal.

My mind struggled to piece together the fragments of the night, but I saw Rudransh sitting beside me. The last clear memory I had was collapsing in someone’s arms.

Rudransh was speaking softly, trying to reassure me. His presence was calming, and his words provided a small measure of comfort in the midst of my turmoil.

As he spoke, I felt a brief moment of peace, but it was abruptly shattered when Meera entered the room.

Her entrance was sudden, and she seemed overly concerned, almost too much so.

I couldn’t shake the feeling that her concern was insincere, and it only heightened my anxiety. I tensed up, my heart racing as I struggled to control my panic.

When Rudransh sent Meera away, I felt a surge of relief and fear all at once.

I immediately reached out for Rudransh, hugging him tightly.

My tears flowed freely, my body shaking with the intensity of my emotions.

He held me close, offering silent support, and I was grateful for his understanding.

He didn’t press me for answers, sensing that I wasn’t ready to share my pain.

As I clung to him, trying to gather my scattered thoughts, a new presence entered the room.

A man walked in holding a bowl of soup, his face kind and his demeanor calm.

He looked like he was here to help, and I hoped his presence would provide some comfort or relief.

“Hey, I brought some soup,” the man said gently. “I thought it might help you feel better.”

I looked at him, my eyes still red and puffy from crying. The gesture seemed small, but right now, anything that offered a semblance of normalcy was welcome.

I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself as I released Rudransh and looked at the soup.

“Thank you,” I said quietly, my voice hoarse.

The man smiled reassuringly and set the bowl on a nearby table. “Just let me know if you need anything else. Rest up, okay?”

I nodded, appreciating his kindness and he stand there looking at Rudransh.

Rudransh, who remained by my side, his expression a mix of concern and care.

I knew that the road to understanding and healing would be long, but for now, I felt grateful to have someone like him by my side.

Rudransh introduced him as his best friend, Abhishek

Abhishek’s smile was warm as he spoke.

“If this bastard causes you any trouble, you come to me. I’ll make sure he regrets it.”

I managed a small chuckle at Abhishek’s words. Despite the turmoil of the evening, his lighthearted threat was oddly comforting.

Rudransh took the bowl of soup from him and turned back to me, his gaze full of concern.

“I’m going to feed you now,” Rudransh said, taking a spoonful of the soup. “It’ll help you feel better.”

I watched as he brought the spoon to my lips. The warmth of the soup, combined with his tender care, made me feel a bit better.

I opened my mouth and took a sip, the broth soothing against the backdrop of my emotional turmoil.

Rudransh’s careful attention as he fed me brought a sense of calm and safety, even amidst the chaos of the night.

“Thank you,” I whispered, my voice still hoarse.

Rudransh’s eyes were filled with gentle reassurance. “You don’t have to thank me. I’m just glad you’re safe.”

As I continued to eat, I felt a wave of gratitude towards Rudransh and his friend.

Their kindness and support were a small, yet significant, comfort in the midst of everything that had happened. Despite the pain and betrayal I had experienced, there was a flicker of hope in the care they showed me.

The night was far from over, but for now, I allowed myself to find solace in their presence.


Hope you enjoyed it❤️

Stay tuned for the next part


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