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Have a happy reading guysss💘

Do like the chapters

Amaira’s POV

I don’t know how long I ran, but I didn’t care. My heart was pounding in my chest, each beat echoing the betrayal that had shattered my world.

The night air was cool, but it did nothing to numb the pain that burned inside me. The laughter and voices from the party faded into the distance as I reached the mansion’s main gate, the towering iron structure looming ahead of me like a barrier I desperately wanted to cross.

But I couldn’t.

I stopped, my legs finally giving out as I leaned against the cold metal for support. The tears I had been holding back since overhearing Meera and my ex began to spill, hot and relentless, streaming down my face.

Each sob wracked my body, shaking me to my core. I cried like I had never cried before, the pain overwhelming, consuming.

How could they do this to me? How could the two people I trusted most in the world betray me like that?

I replayed their words over and over in my mind, each one like a knife to the heart.

“She was so clueless…”

“We played her so well…”

Their voices taunted me, echoing in my head until I thought I would go mad. I wanted to scream, to rip my heart out just to stop the pain.

My vision began to blur, my strength rapidly fading as the world around me started to spin. I felt sick, disgusted with myself for not seeing the truth sooner, for trusting them blindly.

I pressed a hand to my forehead, trying to steady myself, but it was no use. My legs buckled, and I felt myself falling, the ground rushing up to meet me.

But just as I was about to hit the cold, unforgiving pavement, strong arms caught me, pulling me back from the brink.

I was barely conscious, but I felt the warmth of those arms, the steady, comforting beat of a heart close to mine.

My mind was foggy, the world fading in and out, but I clung to that warmth, to the sense of safety it brought. Before everything went dark, I managed to whisper one thought:

Why did this happen to me?

Rudransh’s POV

After finishing my conversation with Abhishek, I checked the time and realized it had been quite a while since Amaira left for the washroom.

Concern gnawed at me, a sense that something wasn’t right. Her absence was unsettling, and the image of her retreating figure kept flashing in my mind.

“I’m going to check on Amaira,” I told Abhishek, who was still by my side.

“Sure, I’ll come with you,” he replied, his tone laced with curiosity and a hint of worry.

As we walked towards the hallway that led to the washrooms, our conversation shifted to business, but my thoughts remained on her.

As we approached the washroom, a glimpse of movement caught my eye—someone running.

It was Amaira, her face pale and streaked with tears. She was crying, running towards the exit like a woman possessed, her steps frantic and uneven.

My heart twisted at the sight. Something was horribly wrong.

Without a second thought, I bolted after her, my legs moving on instinct. “Amaira!” I called out, but she didn’t stop.

She kept running, as if she could escape whatever was tormenting her.

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