Day 17 - Welcome Spontaneity

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"Embrace change by doing things differently. If you keep on doing the same thing; you will keep getting the same result." – Shanette Parker

In my practice, it's quite common to see people living with dietary restrictions, often in pursuit of weight loss. Many choose to avoid certain foods or entire food groups to achieve their goals.

To be candid, I have my own restrictions as well. However, every now and then, I allow myself a treat; something I don't usually eat. I eat pastries, ice-cream and fast foods too, especially when I'm sharing the moment with loved ones.
(Restrictions are purposeful but memories lasts long.)

No matter what your restrictions are, remember that you deserve to be treated, spoiled, and pampered. Life doesn't have to be dull and mundane. While routine is important, a little spontaneity won't hurt.

What have you been putting on hold for a while? Is it something that could make you feel better?

Give it a try, and afterward, journal about how it made you feel.

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