Chapter 50

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Pinellia Novels

Chapter 50

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Previous chapter: Chapter 49

Next chapter: Chapter 51

Chapter 50

Liao Jiamian wondered: "If it is Teacher Wu's son, why has he only come to the kindergarten to study now? If you say he is a big child, then he must be very big."

"Yes." Child Wang Zhongxing also said the same Puzzled.

The classroom was chattering. Wu Muzhen led Wu Xingpeng into the classroom and said, "Quiet."

The children immediately quieted down and looked at Wu Xingpeng curiously.

Wuxingpeng stood on the podium and looked at the children under the podium with a smile. When he saw Liao Jiamian, the smile at the corner of his mouth froze for a moment.

"This is the teacher's child. He has suffered a lot outside. You have to get along well with him, you know?" Wu Muzhen's last few words were even threatening.

The timid child shrank his neck, and sparse responses from children echoed in the classroom, "I know..."

"Hello everyone, my name is Wu Xingpeng. Although I am relatively tall, I am only five years old." Wu Xingpeng smiled. He must be gentle. The child blinked and looked at him with kindness in his eyes.

Wu Muzhen's face softened slightly. She wanted to arrange Wu Xingpeng to sit with Liang Yaoang, but Wu Xingpeng pointed to Wang Zhongxing's position first, "Mom, can I sit there?"

"No!" Wang Zhongxing yelled, "I want to Sit with Mianmian!"

Wu Muzhen ignored Wang Zhongxing's protest and ordered: "You move and sit with Liang Yao'ang."

Liang Yao'ang was also dissatisfied. He wanted to sit with Wu Xingpeng, who was Teacher Wu's son.

Wang Zhongxing's face turned red with anger, "I don't want it!"

Wu Muzhen lowered his face and shouted, "If you continue to make trouble, I will deduct the little red flower!"

"Just deduct it! I don't want the little red flower!" Wang Zhongxing cried in grievance.

Liao Jiamian frowned delicately, "Wang Zhongxing, don't cry, I'll go with you, and I don't want the little red flowers."

Wu Muzhen was completely angry, "Okay! You two go and sit at Liang Yao'ang's seat! Liang Yao'ang, you Swap it with Mianmian!"

She used to be so kind to Wang Zhongxing and Mianmian, so they made these two children proud.

Even if their parents are not simple, this is a kindergarten. After entering this kindergarten, everyone has to listen to her!

Liang Yaoang was overjoyed and said, "Good teacher."

Wu Xingpeng frowned without a trace, but still said obediently: "I listen to my mother."

These words made Wu Muzhen's face soften.

Liao Jiamian pursed her lips, held her schoolbag in one hand, and held Wang Zhongxing, who was crying with snot and tears, in the other hand, and walked to Liang Yaoang's position.

Wu Muzhen looked at them coldly, "Children, what has the teacher been teaching you before?"

"You must listen to the teacher!" Liang Yaoang responded positively by raising his hand.

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