The Black Haired Girl (Part two)

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You two Followed the Principal and he Found out that it was Legit Self Defense and he went to Go file the suspensions for the bullies. You and lisbeth were left alone.

(Lisbeth) : Where'd You Learn To Fight Like that?

(Y/N) : My Grandfather is a retired CIA Agent he taught me to counter attack and Hand To Hand Combat.

(Lisbeth) : Really? Wow your a Interesting Guy. So what's Your name?

(Y/N) : My Name is (Y/N)

(Lisbeth) : Im Rikka Shinozaki but everyone just calls me Lisbeth. Sorry you Are going through all this on the first day.

(Y/N) : Its Not Your fault. *You scratch your head closing your eyes with a smile*

Lisbeth: So..... Uhhhhh have you heard of Nerve Gear?

(Y/N): Yeah. I Have im getting it tomorrow before its releases the game for it. What about you?

(Lisbeth) : I have it already. I won it in a contest.

(Y/N) : Cool we should team up in whatever it is.

(Lisbeth) : Yeah that seems smart. *Takes out pen and paper writes something down and hands it to you* *Smiles, closes eyes, and tilts head sightly* Here this is my phone number Call me when you log in.

(Y/N) : So your Just giving me your number? I could be a psycho. Somone Cute like you i c- .

(Lisbeth) : *Blushes* You think im cute?

(Y/N) : Well... I-

(Principal) : (Y/N) I Have to send you home because of Faculty reasons your not in trouble or anything. You get a A For the day in everything. Your limo driver is outside.

(Y/N) : Okay. *Turns around* Bye lisbeth.

(Lisbeth) : *still blushing* S- see You Online.

(Y/N) : Okay.

You then walk out of the school door Get in your limousine and The driver begins to drive home.

(Y/N) *In Head* First day and i get sent back...

You walk in ignoring Everything, Everyone and plopped on your King Sized bed .

(Maid) : I heard what happened.

(Y/N) : *Face in pillow* Are you mad?

(Maid) :Mad??? You Made the best impression ever, You exposed 4 bullies, And Kicked their ass teaching them a lesson. That's Justice in my book. Oh and also One more thing I got that nerve gear you wanted you can activate it at the 11 hour mark. *Hands package*

(Y/N) : Holy Shiiz Thank you *hugs* *Takes package*

You rember Lisbeths phone number and call her

(Lisbeth) : Hello?

(Y/N) : Hey this is (Y/N) i was wondering If you are gonna Log in.

(Lisbeth) : Yeah ill log in at 12:00 thats when the Game is released.

(Y/N) : Okay meet at the start?

(Lisbeth) : Okay. My name is Lisbeth in-game.

(Y/N) : Okay Mines is (U/N)

(Lisbeth): Okay well i got
Class ill call you back at 3.

(Y/N) : Alright Good Luck with the rest of school

(Lisbeth) :*In Head* He seems like a nice guy.

You then hang up your Phone and Begin to think of something that will waste a couple of hours easily.

(Y/N) : I Should Get some Sleep i guess.

You pull your covers over you and sleep for a bit

Your Annoying ass alarm goes off and you slap it and get up

(Y/N) : 11: 30? Oh shit almost time to log in.

You look at your phone and see 3 missed calls

(Y/N): Damn she called me... Hope she isnt mad.

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