Kirito (Part 6)

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You got up from the couch and started looking for Lizbeth.

You: Uhhh... Where's Lizbeth?

(Miki): She's At The BattleGrounds By the Monster Spawner Grinding for XP.

You: So she's battling Monsters by herself?!?! WHY DIDN'T YOU GO WITH HER?????

(Miki): I COULDN'T JUST LEAVE YOU ALONE!! I-I did what i thought was right...

You: Your right. Lets just hope she comes back safely.

(Miki): Yeah... Oh yeah Onee-San Your Scythe. It-It was amazing. For a Second your eyes changed color a Psheeewwww You Cut the Boar So Fast and Cool! *Fangirls*

You: You Know When I'm Angry or Trying My Hardest My Eyes turn red as if i am in battle mode.

(Miki): Wow Really????!!! How come i can't do it?

You: Its A Mental skill Ill tell you about it la-

(Lizbeth): *Opens door* I Have Returned!!

(You and Miki together): Welcome back!!!!

(Lizbeth): I have reached level 3 Through training!!!

You: Nice!

(Miki): *sarcastically sounding* Cool.

You: How about we go out for a Team training session?

(Miki) : *Pumps fist* YEAH!!!

(Lizbeth): Sure I'm down.

You: Alright then let's go.

You guys walked to the Grassy Fields and Looked as many people were battling Monsters.

But out of all the players battling only one caught your eye. A Raven haired boy fighting a plant monster. He had his one handed black sword and he was fighting like it was easy.

You looked at his Name and level And it said Kirito lvl 23 he had a black coat on and white stripes going neatly through. You wanted to fight him.

You walked through the grassy field ignoring other players pvp quest. And you approached Kirito and you put a hand on his shoulder. And he jumped forward turned around and readied his stance and sword.

You: Hey Kirito is it?

(Kirito) : Yeah that's my name.

You: How about a battle. First one to get hit losses let bet 7654 Yen each.

(Kirito): *puzzled* You sure? Your level 2 I'm twenty three.

You: I Mean what I mean.. Let's go.

Kirito: alright *opens menu and sends quest*

You: *accepts*

Everyone crouds around you two and starts staring.

You then watch as the timer starts from 20 and Kirito stays in the same stance

You hold out your right hand and your scythe appears you spin it uncountably and cut the ground perfectly with the pole held in both hands rested on your shoulder.


Kirito rushed to you and swung his sword and you blocked With the pole of your scythe. Kirito then swung downwards and you dodged it took your scythe threw it up jumped over kirito dodging his blow catching your scythe and cutting his back and red crystals appeared on his back.

Kirito: Tch.. your a worthy opponent I'll give you that. But what reason did you have to fight me?

You: Well i made a promise to my sister id get stronger and winning this match means xp, xp means strength..

Then that noise goes off signaling you've leveled up and it went of not once not twice but four times that's means you reached level six.

Kirito: well i hope we meet again that was an exciting battle and I'd hope to fight you again later.

You: Same here.

Miki: Your always starting something Onee-San.

Lizbeth: looks like you have surpassed me in level. Nice job (Y/N).

Miki: why couldn't you just leave that cute boy alone?

You: because it's nice to get XP and a crap ton of money.

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