Spawn Trapped (Part 5)

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You were smacked by the boar and you looked at your Health bar it dropped from 120 to 99. You were hurt as you fell on your butt but you werent about to give up.

(Lisbeth) : Dont Die on the first Monster (Y/N)!!!!


You looked to the left of the grassy field to see Miki And Lisbeth Leveled Up With no heath loss and Looked back in dissapooint. You knew you should have been done with this. That dissapoinent turned to sadness that sadness turned to anger. And thats when it happened you lost all control. Your Eyes Glowing Blood Red You swung out your right hand and there it happened the scythe reappeared!

You had a straight face and it was filled with anger. You were angered at the fact that the boar was playing with you. You Put the blade of the scythe in the dirt splitting it perfectly. You aimed the scythe and let out one word.

(You) : Die.

And your scythe Had a purple energy light being created and then it was fired. The boar was obliterated and The Mark 20 Dissapeared once again and you fell to your knees breathing heavily

(You): *pant pant* I Got Him...

You then Blacked out the last thing you heard was your voice being called loudly and worridly as you passed out and the sound of fast footsteps.

You woke in a House that looks new and good looking on a soft bed.

(Miki): *Jumps on you* Hey Onee-San.
Feeling better?

(You): Yeah im fine*sits up *.

(Miki): Onee-San.... While you were out something happened... The creator of the game came in and. Told us we were stuck, theres no log out button. We cant leave until someone beats all 100 levels this was all a sick for one's amusement....

You looked in terror and then lokked back at miki laughing.

(You): Alright Miki You got me.*laughing* i fell for it.

(Miki): (Y/N). Im Serious.

You opened your menu and scrolled hecticly

(You): No. This cant be happening.... What.. Why...

(Miki): *Hugs You* *cries* Why is this ha-hapening t-to Us...

(You): *Hugs Back* I dont know. But what i do know is ill get stronger and we'll both get out of here alive.

(Miki): *Hugs Tighter* Promise?

(You): I Promise.

Omfg im soo surreh for the lack of updates xD well im back and we can contine this yayyy whooo hooo anyways this one was 100 words short than i reguarly write juat wanted to get this out there ASAP.

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