The Wind. (Part 8)

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You then entered the dungeon to be surprised to see Kirito once again. But this time he was with a girl she wore a hood so it was basically impossible to see her features.

You: Oh Kirito nice to see you again.

(Kirito): Oh (Y/N) whatcha up to??

You: I'm challenging the first dungeon how about you?

(Kirito): I'm going to go challenge the 9th Dungeon.

You: Well good luck nice to see you again.

(Kirito): Same here.

You walk through the portal while carrying your Scythe.

You were then teleported to the dungeon. This dungeon Was Blue and Emerald Green it looked more like a cave than a Dungeon.
You were walking on bumpy Stone ground until you crossed a door. It was wood and Had two Rings on it. You put your hand on the cold metal rings and opened the Squeaky door. You raised your head and let out a sigh as you closed your eyes and entered. You pushed the door closed behind you until it slammed loudly and Vanished into the rest of the rocky blue wall. You Scanned the Dimmed Large room and saw nothing until a Huge Red Spider monster appeared. It was A eyesore As it attempted to hulk smash you.

You jumped about 10 feet in the air as you met the monsters face you grabbed Your Mark 20 In both hands, Spun in a circle and struck the monster in the face and floated down to the ground to see that the monsters Health Depleted By 100 out of the 1000 it had.

You: I Have to think of something and fast... Because I won't last long if I continue to be gentle..

You then Was interrupted by A pain full punch from a Huge fist you flew back and was sliding on your back. You then took a look at your health bar to see your health depleted 50 out of your maximum 1000. You Struggled to get up.

You: Argh. Not good...

You finally stood up To be hit 6 times forced into the air and then you felt yourself being smacked back down to the ground. You snuck a peek at your health to see 200/1000. You re-summoned Mark 20 and charged at the beast, The beast then sped his hand towards you looking do finish you off. You positioned the scythe so the pole was going straight down and the blade was in the middle of your forehead. You then jumped towards his hand and spun like you were Sonic. You then made your way up his arm cutting completely in half from the first to shoulder and stopped spinning. After your session of spinning you felt dizzy but you Were going to finish him off. All though everything was spinning you were able to stay in front of the monster As you tried your hardest and you knew what would happen. Your eyes Turned Blood red and your Body became more focused and efficient. You swiped your scythe with the point of the blade facing left all the way to the right until you felt as you did enough but then you realized... You missed.. But you saw the monster take massive damage 7000 infact. The monster became limp and fell the the floor but before contact it turned into crystals and a screens with XP and Money appeared you claimed it reaching level ten But you felt confused.

You: Is the mark 20 so sharp that the Wind from a swipe is capable of cutting?

Your eyes then reverted back to their regular color and you fell to you hands and knees breathing heavily. After about ten minutes you exited the door and walked back through the portal And started your way home.

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