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Current day

Linen sighed as he walked through the halls of Cambridge. He had to start his first day in college without any budget for food.

He picked up his phone and tried his sister’s number one more time, but again she did not pick. He did not know what to do. He could not beg or ask for money, he was a guy and it was his first day. So he decided to just comport himself and go for his classes.

The first class was over and it was time for lunch. He stood in the hallway as everyone rushed to get their food. He was pretty sure that it would soon finish and even if someone would help him, it would be late.

He waited and then decided to use his money for transport. That morning he had tried to start his car but to his surprise, it did not start. So he ended up coming with public transport and going back the same way.

He walked into the cafeteria and went to the counter. He had only ten dollars on him so he decided to make use of just five dollars. ‘Spending half of the money would not hurt right,’ he thought to himself. He bought his food and was about to leave when he heard a small cry.

‘Oh come on, please, it is just two dollars,’ the little girl said. If the girl was not in high school or was mistakenly brought here, he would not have believed it. She was way too small. He turned around as he listened to the conversation.

‘I do not care young lady, let me have my money,’ the woman at the counter insisted.

‘But I do not have any on me right now,’ the girl groaned.

'Pity,’ the woman began. ‘Kindly return the food served to you.’

‘How wicked of the woman,’ Linen thought. She cannot do this kind of wickedness to a little girl.

‘Return the food!’ the woman at the counter shouted.

‘Sure thing...,’ the girl said hesitantly.

‘Wait,’ Linen began. ‘Can I pay for her?, he beckoned.

‘Yeah, sure,, the woman replied, satisfied. He paid and turned around to walk away.

‘Thank you!’ the little girl shouted.

‘Yeah,’ he nodded before he dipped his hands into his pocket, that was when he knew what was going on. He had only three dollars left and that amount will not take him home from the college, and his dad had not paid for his accommodation in the hostels, else, this would have been easier.

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