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Current day

‘Somehow, I wish I had not met Ford else we would be planning to come take you at your foster father’s house by now since you have a mind of your own and you can make your own decisions,’ Olaskay concluded.
‘It’s not like I knew there was someone like Linen,’ Ford murmured.
‘You have no right to speak on this,’ Sylas informed.
‘You are the cause of all this, you have the guts to take revenge. You were even so stupid. You did not know that destiny had you stuck with my father thinking you would make use of his wisdom. Instead you planned to kill,’ Viran explained to Ford.

He did not know that she knew about everything. Viran was a psychic. She could read minds and also notice any sign of evil whether it was past or present. That was how she figured the reason behind Fords attack. Viran could control minds and had some powers from her mother like ice. Those where the powers she had acquired and knew about.

Sylas on the other hand had super speed, he could teleport, and control both living and non-living things. Each of the children still had some or one power they had not acquired.

The only power Linen could use was the sense of smell which most likely came from his father. When he got angry, that was when the soul of Ravelehonysare in him would manifest. It was only his father that knew that he was the reincarnate of Ravelehonysare and that was why he had those powers. He did not really care about that now, but since he could live together with his son in Octavia peacefully this was his chance to personally train his son.

After the scene, they all departed, the royal family went to the castle and commoners retreated to their houses. Surprisingly, Rinel was extremely quiet. He knew that Viran could read his mind, so he tried not to think around her. He planned on how to eliminate his younger brother and his family because he knew that if this does not change he might eventually be dethroned.

Linen on the other hand had so much fun training with his father. His father made him study books which he thought were not his area of specialization but he had to do it. He read about the history of Octavia and other necessary things he needed to know.
During the trainings, his father thought him how to fight and also thought him all the necessary things he needed to know about the fighting technique (taijustu).

It was very shocking to everyone when Rinel sent for Ford and Linen. Olaskay at first did not want his son to go but then Linen assured him that he would be fine, he let go. And so Ford and Linen both appeared at the throne room door same second. They got in wondering why they were summoned. It seemed most likely strange that the King Rinel would summon both Ford and Linen.
‘Father, you sent for me,’ Ford began.
‘Oh, I thought maybe you sent for me first, sorry, anyway, I will wait outside,’ Linen excused himself and was about to leave when Rinel stood up. Linen stopped on his tracks, he felt the authority booming from Rinel. Rinel walked past them to the door leaving Ford with a smirk and Linen looking all surprised.
‘It feels weird to say this but anyway, I have to, you are the only ones I can trust to do this well. Go to the mission building which is seven blocks away from the castle. There they will give both of you a mission that you will have to carry out on earth. It will be your first mission so far and I want both of you to put your differences aside and work together as a team to achieve this else you know what your judgments are according to the constitution.

Somehow I wished Ford should be working on this alone because he has far more experience than you wimp. Based on the circumstances, I would need both of you to work on this mission because not only is it dangerous for Ford alone, but there has to be a sacrifice, I mean no offence. I regret to say this but you have to go with your cousin not as someone you hate but as someone who is you and is willing to work with you,’ Rinel concluded.
Linen and Ford stared at themselves. What actually was going on? Was it just Ford or Rinel accepted the fact that Linen was his nephew and was talking about cousins?
‘I need you both to take care of this case, get prepared, you will leave tomorrow,’ Rinel commanded.
‘When are you giving us the details about the mission? You cannot just leave like that,’ Ford asked.
‘Arrive there early tomorrow and they will give you the details,’ Rinel replied staring at Linen. He was just strangely quiet. Maybe it was new to him, Rinel thought leaving the throne room which meant that Ford and Linen were excused. It became night faster than expected that day and so they both went to bed thinking about their first mission in Octavia, still surprised at Rinel’s message and everything he had said to them.

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