12. Felix Felicis

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I woke up to find Tom already gone. I noticed a note on my desk. It was our schedule and my eyes widened when I saw that I had Potions class this morning.

"I'm late" I muttered to myself. I jumped out of bed, hurriedly dressed in my robes, tied my green and silver tie and grabbed my wand. Coral was still sleeping peacefully on my bed, completely oblivious to my rush. I hid my necklace under my clothes and sprinted out the door. The potion class that Malfoy showed me yesterday was really close to our common room so I made my way there ASAP. Bursting through the door, I saw the room was already filled with students. Shelves lined the walls, packed with bottles and potions.

"Sorry I'm late" I said while catching my breath

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"Sorry I'm late" I said while catching my breath.

Professor Slughorn, a round, jovial man, looked up from his desk.

"Ah, it's quite alright" he said warmly

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"Ah, it's quite alright" he said warmly. "You must be Adrian Marinos. I remember you from last night's ceremony. Please take a seat."

I nodded neglecting the fact that I was the newbie here... The center of attention or the gossip, you name it.

"Today" Slughorn began, "we will be brewing a very special potio. Felix Felicis, also known as Liquid Luck. You'll be working in pairs. And remember, this class is shared with Gryffindors, so try to make some new friends Mr. Marinos."

Iris waved at me with a smile, seated next to Abraxas, who was already busy examining the ingredients for the potion. All Slytherins found their partners before even I could look for mine, I looked silently for an empty seat.

"Adrian, you'll pair with Rose Black" Slughorn announced, pointing to a Gryffindor girl. She was so beautiful with angelic features. Rose had a peaceful aura, like the white clouds on the bluest sunny day. She smiled at me innocently as I approached. "Hi, I'm Rose. My best friend Iris has told me so much about you. Your eye colour is really nice by the way."

"Oh, Hi!" I said, feeling slightly flustered. Whoever is marrying this girl, he's blessed to se this enchanted face everyday. "I'm Adrian, as you might already know. It's really nice to meet you in person and thank you." We exchanged pleasantries as we set up our ingredients. I couldn't help but notice Tom glancing over at me with a dark-haired boy next to him. Rose caught my gaze and whispered, "Don't mind him, he's a bit of a weirdo."

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