18. Tarot reading

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The day I was finally discharged from the hospital wing, the sun was shining bright through the tall windows of Hogwarts. Iris, Rose and I made our way towards our next class, the familiar sounds of students chatting... I missed this.

"How are you finding Hogwarts so far?" Rose asked.

I smiled, feeling a sense of belonging despite the recent events. "It's been good" I replied. "A bit overwhelming at times but definitely good."

Iris shot me a knowing look. "And what about your Slytherin company? Anyone catching your eye?"

I hesitated for a moment. "Well... there is someone. But most of our interactions are full of tension. It's confusing."

Both Iris and Rose exchanged amused glances, their smiles widening. "We know who you're talking about" Rose said with a soft laugh. "Tom Riddle, right?"

My blush deepened and I nodded.

Iris chuckled. "We've noticed how you look at him. He never dated anyone, you know. In the last 48 hours alone, he rejected five girls. And it's not like he isn't charming—quite the opposite. Everyone seems to fall for his charm but there's something about him that always felt off to Rose and me lately. Tom and I used to be really close when we were young until he suddenly changed last year."

We turned a corner and entered Professor Dumbledore's classroom. Iris caught me staring at Riddle, a small smile playing on her lips. "You know" she whispered as we took our seats, "If you're really into him... I could give you a tarot reading later. Maybe we can get some insight into your feelings for Tom and what the future holds."

I smiled at her offer. "I'd like that. Thank you." I've read about Tarot cards before in Dumbledore's house and I think they're fascinating!

As Dumbledore began his lecture, I tried to focus on his words but my thoughts kept drifting back to Tom. There was something about him that drew me in, despite the tension between us.

As Professor Dumbledore began his lecture, the room fell silent, every student hanging on his every word.

"Today" he began "we will learn a spell that transforms ordinary rocks into crystals that represent our auras. Each crystal is unique and holds properties that align with the essence of who we are. This spell requires concentration and a deep connection with your inner self." Dumbledore waved his wand and a pile of smooth gray rocks appeared on each desk. "The incantation is 'Aurae Revelare.' Focus on your most authentic self and channel that into the spell."

As soon as we all successfuly practised the spell, Dumbledore's eyes sparkled with approval. "Excellent work, everyone. Class is dismissed, homework page 111 for next week."

"Remember, Adrian" Iris whispered, "Tarot reading. Let's go." As Iris, Rose and I made our way to an empty room in the 3rd floor Iris led us to some stairs and pulled small wooden box from her bag with herbs, crystals and a beautiful set of tarot cards inside.

"We'll use these" she said, her voice soft and reassuring.

Iris shuffled the tarot deck with practiced ease, closing her eyes and summoning her spirits. She then spread the cards out behind me, face down. "Think of him, Adrian" she instructed gently. "Let your intuition guide you and pull the cards that call to you."

I closed my eyes and focused on Tom, his enigmatic presence filling my mind. I reached out and pulled three cards as I handed them to Iris.

She turned the first card: The Devil. Its imagery was scary and dark. The second card was the Three of Swords, depicting a heart pierced by three blades. The final card was the Ace of Cups reversed.

Iris and Rose exchanged worried glances. "These cards" Iris began carefully, "suggest that your connection with Tom is complex and fraught with challenges. The Devil card implies a deep, potentially unhealthy attraction. The Three of Swords speaks of emotional pain and heartbreak and the reversed Ace of Cups suggests difficulties in giving or receiving love."

I stared at the cards with a mix of emotions swirling within me. "What does it mean?" I asked my voice barely above a whisper.

Iris took my hand, her grip reassuring. "It means you need to be cautious, Adrian. The cards represent both manipulation and incapibility of love... it might not end very well."

Rose nodded adding, "And remember we're here for you no matter what decision you take."

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