14. Tom's nightmares

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It was a quiet night in the Slytherin dormitory. Suddenly, a strangled hissing broke the silence. I looked up, heart racing and saw Tom Riddle sleeping in his bed. Sweat glistened on his forehead and he muttered in a strange language I had never heard before. His voice was harsh and filled with a kind of fury that sent chills down my spine.

"Tom?" I called softly, hoping to wake him gently. He didn't respond, lost in whatever nightmare gripped him. His muttering grew louder and his movements became more violent.

I approached his bed. "Tom, wake up!" I said, more urgently this time. But no answer from him. Without wasting another moment, I hurried to my suitcase under my bed. It wias where I kept my most precious belongings from the sea, including a collection of potions and ingredients. My fingers finally closing around a small vial filled with an aquamarine glowing liquid. It was a potion I had crafted long ago to help me sleep after my father's death and it had never failed to bring me peace and sweet dreams.

I returned to Tom's bedside, the vial in hand. "Wake up" I said softly, gently shaking his shoulder.
His eyes flew open, wild and unfocused and for a moment, he looked right through me. He muttered one last word in that strange language before his gaze finally cleared. It sounded demonic.

"Are you alright? You scared me!" I asked. He took a deep breath and wiped the sweat from his brow.

"I'm fine" he said. "Just a nightmare."

"It didn't sound like just a nightmare," I replied, offering him the vial. "Here, drink this. It's a potion I made to help with sleep. It always worked for me." Tom eyed the potion warily but took it from my hand. He uncorked the vial and sniffed it, then took a tentative sip. Almost immediately, his tense expression softened and he relaxed back onto his pillows.

"Thanks." he said quietly, his eyes closing.

"What was that language you were speaking?" I asked, unable to contain my curiosity. Tom's eyes snapped open, a flicker of something dangerous in their depths.

"Nothing you need to worry about" he said sharply, then seemed to soften. "It's just a nightmare."

I didn't believe him but I let it go. "Alright. Just... try to get some rest. I'll be here if you need anything."

He nodded and within moments, the potion began to take effect. His breathing steadied and the tension drained from his body. I watched him for a while longer, making sure he was truly asleep before returning to my bed. As I lay there, my mind raced with questions. What was that strange language he had spoken? It sounded demonic and scary as if it summoned hounds from Hell.

For now, I resolved to keep a closer eye on him. There was more to Tom Riddle than met the eye and I intended to find out exactly what that was. But as I drifted off to sleep, I saw the books on his desk all about dark arts, demonic sorcery and forbidden spells and rituals. Those books seem to be in the restricted section, what's his obsession with dark magic?


The next morning, I wokeup to find Tom's bed empty once again. I decided to head to the Great Hall for breakfast, with Coral trailing behind me. Entering the hall, I took in the familiar sight of the long tables arranged according to houses, each filled with students chatting and eating. The enchanted ceiling mirrored the cloudy morning sky, casting a dim light over the room.

I approached the Slytherin table and sat down among my housemates, whom I barely knew. Tom Riddle sat directly across from me, his attention fixed on his plate. Lestrange and Dolohov flanked him, whispering to each other in low tones. Avery and Nott were deep in conversation about the upcoming Quidditch match, while Rosier maintained his usual cold demeanor, sipping his pumpkin juice with an air of indifference. Nearby, Abraxas Malfoy and Iris were a stark contrast, their laughter and whispered exchanges filled with an intimacy that softened the tense atmosphere.

Taking a deep breath, I summoned the courage to break the silence at our section of the table. "Good morning" I said tentatively, directing my words toward Tom. He glanced up briefly, his expression unreadable, before returning to his meal without acknowledging me.

Undeterred, I pressed on. "Tom, about last night-"

Before I could finish, Avery interrupted. "Last night? What about last night?"

I shot Avery a glance but continued, focusing back on Tom. "If you ever need to-"

Tom cut me off sharply, his voice cold and dismissive. "I appreciate the concern but I don't need your pity."

His words stung but I refused to back down. "It's not pity, Tom. It's concern. We're kind of... friends? I guess?"

Tom's gaze hardened "Friends? How foolish of you to think that. I barely know you."

I felt a pang of hurt at his words. "Yeah, you're right."

Dolohov chuckled under his breath, earning a sharp glance from Tom. Lestrange leaned in, whispering something that made Tom smirk. I looked at Iris, who watched the scenario in confusion. Feeling out of place, I got up nd took my plate and walked over to the Gryffindor table.

I sat down next to Rose Black, who was seated with a guy with blue eyes and round glasses and a big guy who looked larger than any other student at Hogwarts. Introductions were quickly made: the blue-eyed guy was Fleamont Potter, the big guy was Rubeus Hagrid, a ginger-headed guy named Septimus Weasley and a young, beautiful dark-haired girl named Augusta Longbottom.

We started chatting and I felt a sense of warmth and camaraderie that had been missing at the Slytherin table. We talked about classes, Quidditch and the latest school gossip. Septimus nudged me at one point, leaning in to whisper, "Your friends are staring at you."

I glanced over to see the Slytherin table and indeed, Tom and his group were watching me intently. "They're not my friends" I replied softly, turning back with a smile.

"So, Adrian" Augusta began, her eyes sparkling with curiosity "where do you come from? We don't get many transfers to Hogwarts, especially not to Slytherin."

I took a deep breath, feeling all eyes on me. "Well, I come from Greece but my family moved to Ireland last month. Hogwarts seemed like the right place to finish my education after Magisfalis, the greek school of wizardry."

"That's fascinating" Augusta said. "Greece has such a rich magical history. I heard they can cast wandless magic. Can you do it too?"

I hesitated for a moment, then decided to lie "Well I never had the chance to learn but I'm looking forward to."

Fleamont Potter nodded thoughtfully. "I know It's a big change for you but I think you'll like it here. Hogwarts has a lot to offer."

Hagrid, who had been listening intently, spoke up in his booming voice. "Yeh know, yer the nicest Slytherin I've met, Adri. Well, aside from Iris Parkinson. Most o' them keep to themselves or are a bit too...proud, if yeh know what I mean."

I couldn't help but smile at his kind words. "Thanks, Hagrid. I appreciate that. Iris has been really great to me too."

Rose leaned in closer and whisper. "So,
what's it like in the Slytherin common room? I've always wondered."

I laughed softly. "It's very...green. And cold. The room is partly under the Black Lake, so the light has this eerie green tinge. It's impressive but it can feel a bit gloomy."

"Sounds fascinating" Septimus said, his eyes lighting up with curiosity. "How are you finding it?"

"It's reminds me of home" I admitted.

Augusta nodded in agreement. "Absolutely. And it sounds like you're making friends already, which is great."

I glanced over at the Slytherin table once more, catching Tom's eye. He quickly looked away. "Yeah" I said softly, turning back to my new friends. "I'm starting to."

Heyy again! I hope you're enjoying the story so far ❤️ Idk if you prefer long or short chapters, let me know in comments. Thank you 4 reading I really appreciate your support ✨️

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