Don't you dare!

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Yes, I am alive! 

I'm sorry I haven't updated for so long, I just couldn't be bothered..

But here's the new chapter, although it's not very long :/

Enjoy :)

~ Chloe <3


"Are you going to tell Chris?" Alexia asked me, smiling.

"I don’t know, I mean, I know I probably should but I'm scared of what he might say, and then I just feel like I'm letting my parents down! I didn't have sex with a werewolf...” I whispered the last part, but I know she heard what I said.

"I'm sure they'd be proud of you no matter what" She said smiling, "And as for Chris, he's just gonna have to get over it, isn't he?"

"I suppose" I said sniffling, I only just realised I had been crying. 

"That's my girl, now come on and let’s go find that troublesome brother of yours" She said, grabbing my hand and pulling me up.

"I'll find him, give me a second" She nodded, Chris? I said quietly, just in case he's annoyed at me. 

Yes love?

Are you mad at me? 

Never Christy, I could tell that he was telling the truth, so in turn; I smiled and wiped my tears away. 

Thank you, also where are you? 

I am in the garden, but its a little section behind a bush, it's so beautiful.

Okay, I'll be there in a second.

"He said he's in the garden in a little section behind a bush" I repeated, confused but she just laughed and nodded, walking away gesturing with her hand for me to follow her.

"Don't worry Christy, I know where he means, it used to be one of my favourite places in the whole place" She said, she sounded sad so I just shut up and continued to follow her. 

About five minutes later, we arrived in the garden; this place was massive! I walked towards where I could smell Chris' scent and sure enough, just around the bush, there he was, sat on the ground watching the sun.

"Chris. I need to tell you something" I said, my voice quiet.

"What is it Christy?" He asked, not looking towards me.

"I'm... preg... pregnant" I said, my voice breaking because i was crying again. I went to wipe my eyes and when I did, I realised that Chris had turned towards me and his eyes were pure black! I whimpered and took a step back.

"You're what?!" He shouted, his voice thundered around the garden.

"I'm sorry Chris, I didn't...” I cut off because I couldn't speak anymore, by this time tears were rolling freely down my cheeks and my body was shaking.

"Didn't what Christy? Whose is it?" He said, he was now shaking and looked as if he could go wolf at any time. We got told that if we got really angry then we could turn wolf even if it wasn't the full moon, then after that we'd be able to do it whenever we wanted.

"I'm sorry...”

I'm sick of this Christy! You should be ashamed!"

That was it! I was angry; he sleeps with countless girls and then tells me I’m a failure because I got pregnant! Oh hell no!

"Don't you dare? You sleep with all the sluts in school, and yet I get told I should be ashamed! Stuff you Chris, all I've ever done is cover for you and tell lies to mum and dad for you, and this is how you repay me?! Fine, if that's the way you want it to be then just leave me alone, you have no right to talk to me! You're not my mum nor are you my dad, do you wanna know why? Because they're both dead!! I feel terrible about that and the stress of the pregnancy and everything else! We're royalty for goodness sakes! So excuse me, if I’m feeling a bit drained at the moment! But don't you dare try and make me out to be the bad Child!" I growled, feeling as though I could go wolf. I looked up at Chris to see him opening and closing his mouth like a fish and if I wasn't pissed at him right I probably would have found it funny.

I ran from Chris and up to my room, crying as I did so. When I got to my room, I locked it and jumped onto my bed, ready to cry myself to sleep when I heard Chris in my head.

I'm sorr-

I blocked him from my head so he never got the chance to finish his sentence, he could apologise all he wanted, but it's gonna take some serious chill out session for me to even be in the same room as him.

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