Forgive or not forgive?

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This is dedicated to Lilly_pad4567 because she was the one that, in other words, told me to update and get my bum moving otherwise the story would be rubbish, so if you're enjoying this book, go thank her :)

It had been 2 days since the argument with Chris and we still weren't talking, anytime he would try I would turn away and ignore him or I would be with one of my friends that would get rid of him for me. Not talking to Chris was killing me because he was the only family I had left but what he said cut deep and he knew it. 

"Are you still with us Bubble?" Devon asked, he had taken to calling me bubble because; like the immature person I am, I like to play with bubbles. It was fairly funny when Devon found me in the garden staring at the bubbles I had created.

~~~ Flashback ~~~

It was the day after the argument and I needed something to cheer me up, so I went in search for something to do, walking around the palace wasn't very fun whilst I was alone so I tried thinking of things to do. I tried recalling all the things I used to do when I was back at home, and instantly bubbles came to mind. I called one of the servants over.

"Do you have any bubbles?"  I asked in a kind voice, I wasn't mean to any of the staff in the palace because they had done nothing to annoy me.

"Yes, Your Highness, If you go to the game room, you'll find some in there" I quickly thanked him and set off in the direction of the games room. I got there within two minutes and opened the door, walking in I noticed somebody else was in here. I ignored him and started looking for the bubbles, spotting them in the corner and retrieving them before Chris tried to start a conversation with me. As soon as I walked out, I heard Chris mutter two words.

"I'm sorry" 

I didn't respond I just carried on walking towards the garden where I would play with the bubbles. I passed several people on the way, most I would say hi to or smile at them but others were too busy working to notice me. 

I got outside and started blowing bubbles into the air, it was a bubble wand so the bubbles were quite big. I blew some more and stared at it, amazing by it. 

"Christy? What are you doing?" Devon asked from behind me, I smiled and turned around to face me. 

"I'm blowing bubbles." I stated with a big grin and he just laughed at me, before pulling me in for a hug. I breathed in his scent and it made me forget all about the argument, the pregnancy and everything else. 

~~~ End of flashback ~~~

"Bubbles?!?!" Devon shouted in my ear. I turned to scowl at him but found my friends staring at me. I was confused at first but then I smelt the air and realise that Chris was here as well. As soon as knew what he was gonna do, I started to run, but Devon caught me telling me nonsense about how I needed to talk to him. 

I glared at him but turned to face my brother none the less. He grinned at me and held out his hand, which had something hanging from it. I raised an eyebrow at him and he sighed.

"Look, C, I know I hurt you and I know I annoyed you, but I am truly sorry! I don't know what to do to make it up to you but I did get you this" His gestured for me to take the necklace and I did, after inspecting it did I realise what necklace it actually was. It was mums, she wore it all the time and I wondered how Chris had gotten hold of it. "I know it won't make up for what I did, but I hope you can forgive because we're family, and family is supposed to stick together" By the time he had finished he had tears running down his cheeks and so did I. I ran up to him and hugged him, he seemed shocked at first but after realising that I wasn't going to hurt him, he hugged me and I felt him relax. The next two words I said probably made him really happy, so I'm glad I said them.

"You're forgiven" I said into his neck. 

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