The secret

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I stared at the boy like he was crazy. I mean, he couldn’t know what I was . . . could he? I put on a confident smile, but I was absolutely panicking inside. “Yeah? What am I?” I asked him with the most normal voice I could muster. He didn’t reply. “Okay, you’re wasting my time,” I said as I walked past him, “bye.”

 “Wasting your time? And what about the full moon, every month? Does that waste your time too? I bet it does gonna be hell for you and Christopher!”

I walked back to him, wondering how he could know. My eyes narrowed and I challenged him by invading his personal space. “Who are you and how do you know what we are?”

He laughed, then turned and walked away as he spoke: “Your mum knows who I am; ask her.”

I headed to my dorm, threw my luggage onto the bed, and then went to find Chris; I found him chatting with a group of boys in the lounge. As I walked in I felt the boys’ eyes fixed on me and heard them wolf-whistling, but I tried to ignore them and made my way towards Chris.

“Chris. I really need to talk to you.” I said as I got closer to his group. He’s got his own group already, I thought, bloody typical.

One of the boys turned to him “Dude, your sister’s HOT”

“Not hot, fucking boiling” said another.

“Chris, it’s important.” I said, trying to keep as calm as possible, but inside I felt I was ready to burst. Finally I managed to get him to come with me.

“What? I was in the middle of telling a story!” He said, annoyance dripping from every word.

“Quit moaning . . . it’s important!” I asserted. He must have known I was being serious, since he shut up instantly. “When I was going to my dorm earlier, some guy came up to me . . . he knows about us Chris; he knows what we are”.

Chris went pale-faced, almost as if he had seen a ghost, then suddenly he started crying. I felt perplexed but I gave him a hug anyway to comfort him.

We sat quietly in my dorm room, Chris had stopped crying after several minutes, but our fear hung about in the air as we talked about the mysterious boy.

“So he didn’t say his name or anything?” Chris said with I dry voice, I supposed his throat must have been sore from so much crying.

“Nope, all he said was ‘Your Mum knows who I am; ask her.’ I thought you should know before we ring her.”

He nodded his head, and then took his phone from his pocket. He stared blankly at it for a few long moments, completely expressionless . . . “There’s no signal in your room.” He said suddenly.

I laughed at him, he glared at me but I took no notice as I kept laughing. But then, all of a sudden, he punched me in the face! I growled at him, and my hand went straight up to my nose. I could tell that it was broken, but that didn’t bother me; it would heal. What did bother was that I now had blood on my face, my hands and my clothes,

“Dude, seriously? You made me get blood on my top, this is brand new!” I said, half joking, half serious. Apparently now it was his turn to laugh.

“You’re such a girl!” He said, still laughing. I looked at him (like duh, of course I’m a girl) and burst out laughing aswell, not sure why.

“Come on, let’s go.” I said, getting up,

“Where are we going?”

I cocked my eyebrow at him. “We’re going to find signal!” I said in a playful tone—I don’t think he found it funny.

“Oh right, you might wanna change your top then,” he said; I looked down at my top, it was gonna be hard to get the blood out. He tutted, “first day here and you’ve already got blood on your top.” I turned around to see him stood there with a childish smirk plastered over his face.

Chris got up suddenly and rushed in front of me. “And you would be?!” He asked with venom in his voice, but the stranger just laughed as if he wasn’t affected at all—and it took me years to get used to that tone!

“Well, my name is Rodney.” He replied. I laughed. He glared at me. Chris looked at me with amusement in his eyes. “Did you ring your mum and ask her about me?” The boy asked.

“No, I’m afraid I forgot. Sorry.” I said with a childish innocence, but I was sure he saw through it. He was about to respond but Chris spoke before he could,

“How do you know our mother?” He asked, trying to intimidate ‘Rodney’, who looked unaffected again—in fact he just looked bored.

“Come on, you didn’t think your parents would send you here without somebody to look out for you?” Why he had to be so annoyingly cocky, I had no idea.

I rolled my eyes. “Whatever, I’m going to change. Try not to kill each other please” I said as I walked away.

“Why can’t I kill him?” Chris moaned, “He’s a total douche!” I laughed after he said this, I went to my suitcase and found a dark green vest to wear, and then put a creamy coloured cardigan on over the top.

I went back to my room to see that Chris had disappeared, and Rodney was sat on my bed. Why didn’t he leave? I thought.

“Please leave” I said in the plainly. He got up and left and I went out after him to lock the door,

“So, what do you wanna do?” He asked me as I locked the door. Why would I wanna hang around with him? I thought, after all, like Chris said, ‘He’s a total douche!’

“Nothing” I said, and then walked off hastily to find Chris.

Ten minutes later I found Chris with his group in the lounge. I walked up to him and he noticed me and waved me over. Once again I felt the eyes on my and heard a few wolf-whistles. I sat down on one of the bean bags and waited for Chris to finish talking to some dude so I could punch him for leaving me.

Suddenly someone was waving a piece of paper in front of my face. I took it, it had a number on it, and then I gave it back to the guy, “Sorry, I don’t accept numbers from Muppets.” Laughs spread around the room, accompanied by a mush of ooohs and aaahs.

“Dude, I told you . . . she wouldn’t go out with you.” Chris said, and then he turned his attention to me. “So, C, what brings you here?” He asked.

I glared at him. “Well, considering the fact that you left me with that dickhead, I thought I would get you back by annoying you.” I said ‘innocently’. He looked panicked because he knew exactly what I meant. I smirked at him and raised my eyebrows, and then he told me he needed to talk. I got up and followed him out of the room, but just before I left I turned around and winked at all of the guys.

“Don’t you dare!” Chris asserted. I pretended to think for a moment.

“Or maybe . . .” I said, “I’ll go for one of them in there. Nobody would ever suspect sweet little Christy.” I smirked playfully. “Come on, let’s go back in.” I walked back into the lounge, and then slowly Chris followed. We sat back where we were before, then suddenly a thought struck me!

“Hey boys, what do you know about that Rodney kid?” I asked. They exchanged looks of uncertainty, like they didn’t know what to tell me. Then one of the guys with blonde hair turned to me:

“He’s a freak” He said, “he acts so strangely, and his parents like pull him out of school at least one day every week.” He didn’t say any more, so I decided to drop the subject.

Purple purple purple purple purple.

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